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"He Had The Intimidating Demeanor Of A Wet Wipe" — 16 Actors Who Were Totally Miscast In Their Roles

"I've always said that they made an Adam Sandler movie but forgot to tell Adam Sandler."

When an actor doesn't quite fit in the role they're supposed to play, it can really take you out of the fantasy...

So, when u/Squirrelkid11 asked people to share the actor they think was miscast in a role, we decided to round up the most popular answers:

1. Jesse Eisenberg as Lex Luther — Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Jesse Eisenberg, in a crowd, wearing a dark blazer over a polka-dot shirt, at a formal event

2. Mark Wahlberg as Sully — Uncharted

Person dressed casually in a T-shirt and open shirt, holding a revolver and aiming it forward. The setting appears to be indoors with wooden beams in the background

3. Tom Cruise as Jack ReacherJack Reacher

Tom Cruise stands in a dark city street with a woman in the background. Cruise wears a casual plaid shirt

4. Terrence Howard as War Machine — MCU

Terrence Howard in a U.S. Air Force uniform with sunglasses and medals, looking serious

5. Topher Grace as Eddy Brock/Venom — Spider-Man 3

6. Keanu Reeves as Jonathan Harker — Bram Stoker's Dracula

A person dressed in period formal attire, including a suit with a waistcoat and high-collared shirt, stands against a dark background

7. Chris Pratt as Mario — The Super Mario Bros. Movie

Mario and Luigi, characters from the Super Mario series, dressed in matching overalls with red and green shirts and hats, smile and gesture enthusiastically

8. Joaquin Phoenix as Napoleon — Napoleon

Joaquin Phoenix as Napoleon, wearing a military uniform and a bicorne hat, holding a sword

9. Meryl Streep as Donna — Mamma Mia!

Meryl Streep smiling, dressed in a casual, layered outfit with a white blouse and accessory

10. Nicolas Cage as Captain Antonio Corelli — Captain Corelli's Mandolin

Nicolas Cage, in military uniform, salutes in a scene from a film. He wears a peaked cap and is surrounded by soldiers in helmets

11. Jimmy Fallon as Ben — Fever Pitch (2005)

Jimmy Fallon smiles while sitting outdoors at a café. An older man is seated behind him, engaged in conversation

12. Russel Crowe as Javert — Les Misérables

Russell Crowe dressed as Javert in a historical uniform with a distinctive hat, from the film "Les Misérables."

13. Benedict Cumberbatch as Khan Noonien Singh — Star Trek Into Darkness

14. Eddie Redmayne as Balem Abrasax — Jupiter Ascending

Eddie Redmayne as Balem Abrasax in "Jupiter Ascending," wearing a high-tech-looking collar, against a futuristic cityscape background

15. Julia Roberts as Tinker Bell — Hook

A person with reddish hair, wearing a tattered, earth-toned outfit, appears to be in a state of surprise or distress in a dimly-lit environment

16. Denzel Washington as Troy Maxson — Fences

Denzel Washington wearing a flat cap and casual jacket, standing indoors with a window in the background

H/T to u/Squirrelkid11 and AskReddit for having this discussion!

Note: All submissions have been edited for length and/or clarity.

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