19 Screenshots Of Bosses And Companies Who Spent Early 2023 Being Absolute Monsters

    Punishing people for using sick days is wild.

    1. This company that rewarded an employee with a whopping 10-minute break (along with some stipulations).

    "You won an extra 10 min break!"

    2. This company asking employees to donate their PTO instead of taking care of an employee who has been there for 17 years.

    Note from the president and CEO

    3. This company accidentally cc'd the person they were planning to lowball.

    Screenshot of an email about a potential job candidate

    4. This boss lecturing an employee for not being able to afford food.

    "I literally could not afford food and my card was declined"

    5. This company that's punishing someone because their child is unexpectedly sick.

    "While calling in is part of the expectation it does not mean excuse the absence."

    6. This company that's banning everyone from...using an electrical outlet.

    All phones must be turned off.

    7. This company that's willing to fire someone because they don't want to come in during their off hours for an unpaid meeting.

    8. This person getting blown up by their job on their day off.

    A screenshot of multiple missed calls from "Ken Pizza"

    9. This boss who is sending these aggressive messages to an employee in a company group chat.

    10. This garbage offer to work three months for little cash presented as an opportunity to prove you're worth more.

    "I am hiring 3 full time people 12$ an hour cash 50 plus hours a week"

    11. This signage from messy management that's doing a little too much.


    12. This job that's asking someone who applied for the role to provide a 10-page essay.

    An email asking a job candidate to write a 10-page essay

    13. This company that's unwilling to pay a pretty low ask of $15 an hour.

    "Unfortunately we are unable to meet your salary requirements."

    14. This company asking staff not to discuss pay with each other.

    "As a crew member, your performance will be reviewed by the management team..."

    15. And this company actually writing up an employee for talking pay.

    "You have shared this information about your pay with other team members causing a business disruption."

    16. This person had an interview with a company, driving 40 minutes and waiting 30 minutes with no communication before leaving.

    "If something came up and you were not able to make it to our interview, please let me know and I will be happy to reschedule."

    17. This employer's list of tasks that's fine, but the note threatening a dock of pay seems sketchy.

    "If not completed, you will be docked for your time."

    18. This boss that gave someone a day off and then took it back the next day.

    "If that is your normal day to work, then you will be scheduled"

    19. And finally, this paramedic who wrote this resignation after finding out they were the lowest paid despite having the most experience.