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Women Say They Have Blisters And Rashes After Using EOS Lip Balm

A class action lawsuit has been filed against the company.

A new class-action lawsuit against EOS lip balm claims that the product causes rashes and blisters around users' mouths.

EOS lip balm is one of the most heavily advertised drugstore products on the market, with celebrities like Miley Cyrus and Kim Kardashian promoting the product.

The smooth, egg-shaped product costs $2.99 and has become a cult favorite among beauty bloggers and teens alike. The brand has a whopping 1.3 million followers on Instagram.

Evolutionofsmooth.com, the brand's website, promises "visibly softer lips" and "immediately more beautiful lips" as a result of using the product.

But despite these claims, several women have been speaking up about what they say are their negative experiences with the lip balm. They claim they have suffered blisters, rashes, and allergic reactions.

And now, a class-action lawsuit has been filed by criminal defense lawyer Mark Geragos against the company.

According to court documents, Cronin's lips became "substantially dry and coarse ... [and] began severely cracking on the edges, causing flaking and bleeding from the cracks."

The court documents also show examples of other individuals who are claiming similar side effects of using EOS lip balm.

On Wednesday, Geragos took to Twitter saying, "I have a feeling this won't be the last lawsuit [in the case]."

And other people online have chimed in, saying they had similar experiences with the lip balm.

Some users are alleging that the product is causing issues that it should technically be alleviating.

Beauty blogger Monica Robo of Monica Loves Makeup, for example, wrote about her experience with EOS on her blog. She said it took a "good month or two to completely heal up."

And customers have also taken to the EOS Facebook page to make direct complaints and warn about the product's alleged side effects.

UPDATE: In a statement to BuzzFeed Life, a representative for Evolution Of Smooth products said the following:

"We firmly believe this lawsuit is without merit. Our products are made with the highest quality ingredients and meet or exceed all safety and quality standards set out by our industry and validated by rigorous testing conducted by an independent lab. The health and well-being of our customers is our top priority and millions of satisfied customers use our products every day, many of whom take the time to share their experiences with us."
