20 Reasons Why I’m Very Glad Keanu Reeves "Still Walks Among Us"

    Listen, he plays "the one" for a reason.

    ICYMI, this week, a snippet from Matthew Perry's memoir Friends, Lovers, and the Big Terrible Thing leaked, and people were not exactly thrilled with one very specific, odd portion.

    Matthew Perry sitting with his arms crossed

    In the leaked quotes in question, Perry discusses the passing of his friend, River Phoenix. Of his death, he says: "Why is it that the original thinkers like River Phoenix and Heath Ledger die, but Keanu Reeves still walks among us?"

    And that wasn't the only mention of Keanu, either. Later in the book, while talking about the passing of Chris Farley, Perry says: "I punched a hole through Jennifer Aniston’s dressing room wall when I found out. Keanu Reeves walks among us."

    Well, the internet was not too happy about these very odd comments about the universally beloved actor:

    this is such a fucked up thing to say, especially when keanu reeves was devastated over river’s death. also proof that keanu reeves is 200x the man matthew perry will ever be. https://t.co/aUKQWeN34h

    mikeyparksacar / Via Twitter: @mikeyparksacar

    And other celebrities even commented on the entire thing:

    personally thrilled that keanu reeves walks among us

    Rachel Zegler / Via Twitter: @rachelzegler

    As of this morning, Perry has issued an apology, telling People, "I'm actually a big fan of Keanu. I just chose a random name, my mistake. I apologize."

    Keanu Reeves

    Anyway, if you know absolutely anything about me, Allie, the human person writing this post you're reading, you know I'm passionate about exactly three things in this world: ranking weirdly specific things for this site, 1999's The Mummy, and one Mr. Keanu Reeves. So, needless to say, this entire ordeal didn't sit well with me.

    Keanu Reeves sitting during a late-night TV show interview

    So, instead of focusing on the negative, I rounded up some moments that help display why I'm personally very glad Keanu is still walking among us. Here are just a few:

    1. Let's start with the simple fact that there's an endless amount of stories about him being just an overall good dude, like when he went viral for giving up his seat on a subway:

    View this video on YouTube

    lladnarneddafcm / YouTube / Via youtube.com

    2. Or when he waited in line for 20 minutes to get inside of his own wrap party because he "didn't want to be rude." Chauffeur Ronny Sunshine said, "Keanu was really patiently waiting. I don’t think he said anything to the bouncer, like, 'I’m Keanu.' No one recognized him."

    Keanu Reeves smiling

    3. Or when he stopped to help Octavia Spencer after her car broke down on the way to an audition before she was a well-known actor:

    View this video on YouTube

    NBCUniversal / Via youtube.com

    4. Or how he donates large sums of money to children's hospitals, stating, "I have a private foundation that's been running for five or six years, and it helps aid a couple of children's hospitals and cancer research. I don't like to attach my name to it, I just let the foundation do what it does."

    Keanu Reeves speaks onstage at San Diego Comic Con

    5. Or the time he hung out with his fellow passengers after a flight he was on had to make an emergency landing:

    #keanureeves Meanwhile they got a van to transport them to LAX and Keanu provided educational info re Bakersfield thnx freebrianrea

    CircleK_Fans / Via Twitter: @CircleK_Fans

    6. Or how he gives due credit and awesome wrap gifts — including motorcycles and personalized rolexes — to the stunt performers he works with:

    Keanu Reeves riding a horse being led by his stunt double on the set of John Wick 3

    7. Or how there's endless photo documentation of him being respectful of physical contact while taking photos with people:

    Lol Keanu ain’t taking no chances. 😂😂

    @_TertiumQuid / Via Twitter: @_TertiumQuid

    8. Or how he gushes about his costars in the most delightful ways, from his "wife" Winona Ryder...:

    keanu reeves talking about why he loves winona ryder is a real mood

    Casey Rackham / Via Twitter: @CaseyRackham

    9. ...to his secret crush, Sandra Bullock:

    View this video on YouTube

    NBC / Via youtube.com

    10. Or how about when he found out Sandra Bullock had never tried "truffles and champagne," so one day, randomly, he brought over flowers, champagne, and truffles. Upon his arrival, Sandra recalled him saying, "I just thought you might want to try champagne and truffles, to see what it’s like."

    Keanu Reeves and Sandra Bullock with their arms around each other on the red carpet

    11. Or when discussing why she chose to return for the fourth installment in the Matrix franchise, his costar Carrie-Anne Moss said, "We've been through this experience together as partners. The only way I can describe it is like a soul friendship. Most of my scenes are with Keanu, and it was just a pleasure to sit across from him and do that again. He has a masterful understanding of action. I've watched him grow in the last 20 years. I'm in awe of it."

    Carrie-Ann and Keanu embracing on the red carpet

    12. Or when he gave a thoughtful, poignant answer to the question "What do you think happens to us when we die?" — which gains even more meaning when you know his own experience with loss:

    Keanu said "I know that the ones who love us will miss us"

    13. Lightening this post up, let's move onto sillier things, like how he revealed that he's actually somewhat into astrology instead of being one of those "it's stupid and you're stupid for liking it" people:

    Keanu Reeves explaining that being a virgo is where his power comes from

    gothstrologyy / Via Twitter: @gothstrologyy

    14. Or how, before he was an actor, he used to be a reporter who would cover things like "National Teddy Bear Day," gifting us these clips without an ounce of cynicism:

    Before KEANU REEVES was a movie star, he was a roving reporter for Canada’s CBC, covering ‘National Teddy Bear Day.’

    CBC / Via Twitter: @JamesL1927

    15. Or when he reacted to being officially dubbed "the internet's boyfriend" by calling it "wacky" and going on to talk about embracing all the "positivity":

    Keanu Reeves had no idea he was the internet's latest boyfriend. 😂 https://t.co/SeGQxMqzup

    Entertainment Weekly / Via Twitter: @EW

    16. Or how he's not ~a method actor,~ and instead, he's just a silly goose. Like when he got a little too into character for his animated role in Toy Story 4, with producer Mark Nielsen noting that, during his lunch with him after he got the role, "He climbed on a table and was striking poses in the middle of the atrium and we thought, that is Duke Caboom!"

    Duke Caboom posing

    17. Or how he played an absurd version of himself in Always Be My Maybe, proving that he's chill enough to make fun of himself:

    Keanu Reeves

    18. And, of course, how he's played one of the greatest action heroes in recent memory, John Wick, for three — about to be four — perfect movies:

    Keanu Reeves holding a puppy

    19. Or, ya know, the countless memes he's gifted us with over the years, like the iconic "YOU'RE BREATHTAKING" moment:

    TFW Keanu Reeves calls you breathtaking 😍

    Polygon / Via Twitter: @Polygon

    20. And finally...do I even need to remind you all of the puppy interview??? Because I will! Here:

    View this video on YouTube

    BuzzFeed Celeb / Via youtube.com

    So, there you have it! What's your personal favorite Keanu moment? Share in the comments below! Keep the positivity going!