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Understanding the Sharpe Ratio: An Explainer for Investors

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The Sharpe ratio may help determine the success of long-term investments. Alyssa Powell/Insider

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  • The Sharpe ratio is a financial metric showing how an investment is performing relative to its risk.
  • The higher an investment's risk ratio is, the more returns it offers relative to its risk.
  • The ratio is not useful to short-term traders since it's designed to analyze long-term investments.

Any investment you make is going to come with some sort of risk, and calculating risk-adjusted returns can be quite helpful. By evaluating different options in this manner, you can get a better sense of how much any one potential investment will benefit you. 

Before you dive into a new venture, you'll want to know whether the time and money you put in will be worthwhile in the end. This is where the Sharpe ratio comes in handy. Measuring investment returns and risk, the calculation is widely used among professional investment managers. It's important to understand the Sharpe ratio and what it can teach you about your money.

What is the Sharpe ratio?

Definition and formula 

The Sharpe ratio is a financial metric that helps you determine whether the risk you've taken on has generated high enough returns compared to the returns you might have seen without taking on risk. 

It can be used to evaluate either an individual asset or a portfolio of assets. An investor can calculate the Sharpe ratio using either historical or expected returns. 

William F. Sharpe developed the Sharpe ratio in 1966 as an investment performance analysis tool. In 1990, Sharpe won the Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences. 

To calculate the Sharpe ratio, you first need your portfolio's rate of return. 

Next, you need the rate of a risk-free investment, such as Treasury bonds. Subtract this risk-free rate from your portfolio's rate of return to find the excess return, or what your investment gives you above the Treasury bond. 

Finally, you divide the difference of those two components by the standard deviation of the portfolio's excess return. 

Here's what the equation looks like:

Sharpe Ratio Formula
There are three variables required to calculate the Sharpe ratio. Alyssa Powell/Insider

Return of portfolio: This is what your portfolio has earned, or what you expect to earn, over a given amount of time as a percentage of what you have invested.

Risk-free rate: This figure acts as your benchmark, or what you would've earned without virtually any risk. The Sharpe ratio often uses Treasury securities here because of their unlikeliness to default. For example, you might use a 5-year Treasury note rate to calculate the Sharpe ratio for your 5-year portfolio.

Standard deviation: This measurement of volatility indicates how much a return fluctuates over a period of time. Expressed as a positive number, the standard deviation accounts for both downside and upside changes. 

"The impetus behind the ratio is taking standard deviation and volatility to find a simple numerical value," says Randy Frederick, managing director of trading and derivatives for the Schwab Center for Financial Research. 

Volatility is often understood as a bad thing, Frederick points out. But really, volatility means you're seeing price upsides along with downsides over time. The Sharpe ratio takes these factors and spits out a number that can tell you how your investments are doing relative to the risk.

How the Sharpe ratio works 

Calculating and interpreting the Sharpe ratio 

Generally, the higher Sharpe ratio, the better. A high Sharpe ratio means the risk is paying off in the form of above-average returns. However, a Sharpe ratio of 1.0 or greater is typically considered good. A zero Sharpe ratio means that your returns are matching the "risk-free" version of your investment, typically a Treasury security. While that's not necessarily bad, you also don't want to be taking on risk just to match that benchmark. 

What is a good Sharpe ratio? 

  • Under 1.0 is considered bad
  • 1.0 is considered acceptable or good
  • 2.0 or higher is rated as very good
  • 3.0 or higher is considered excellent

The Sharpe ratio is a measurement that gives investors insights into investments' performances. The ratio analyzes performance over the long term, to help investors get a return that may not be the greatest possible, but is still good enough when downturns arise. 

The Sharpe ratio is largely used by hedge funds and investment managers, rather than everyday investors, since they manage large portfolios and want to maximize customers' returns without too much volatility. 

One way to increase your Sharpe ratio is to have a diversified portfolio. A main concept of modern portfolio theory, diversification and asset allocation ensure slow steady growth over time and help your portfolio weather the ups and downs of the markets. 

How to use the Sharpe ratio 

In portfolio management 

The Sharpe ratio can be used to evaluate portfolios. For example, an investor could use it to assess the risk-adjusted returns of two potential portfolios, or alternatively, their individual component assets. 

An investor could also evaluate the risk-adjusted returns of their existing portfolio in order to assess potential changes. For example, if an investor has an all-stock portfolio with a Sharpe ratio of 2, they might be able to increase that ratio by adding additional component assets that have higher Sharpe ratios. 

For individual investment decisions

Investors can use the Sharpe ratio to evaluate the risk-adjusted returns of an individual asset, and they can leverage this knowledge to determine whether they think it's a suitable investment. 

Limitations of the Sharpe ratio

Dependency on normal distribution of returns

Investors should keep in mind that there are several Sharpe ratio limitations and considerations. One criticism of this ratio is that it assumes a normal distribution of returns. A normal distribution has results that are symmetric in relation to the mean. In other words, there are an equal number of results to the left and right of that mean. 

Further, in a normal distribution, data points are more likely to show up near the mean, or middle result, than further from the mean. 

An example of something that follows a normal distribution would be height. There are an equal number of people who are taller and shorter than the average height, and results closer to the mean happen more frequently than results further away from that mean. 

In practice, the returns associated with an investment strategy do not always follow a normal distribution. Many financial institutions, for example hedge funds, harness investment strategies that can create distributions of returns that are not perfectly symmetrical. 

The Sharpe ratio is not particularly useful for short-term traders, as it was designed to analyze long-term investments. Using the Sharpe ratio to manage your investments in the short term may even lead you to be more optimistic than you should be. 

For example, let's say you use the Sharpe ratio using numbers around a three-year investment. If you only end up holding your investment for a year, that ratio won't really apply to your investment anymore. You may even end up operating at a loss depending on when you buy and sell. 

Sensitivity to the risk-free rate

The Sharpe ratio depends heavily on the benchmark used to determine the risk-free rate, and therefore the excess return generated by the asset or portfolio being evaluated. Not all benchmarks are the same, meaning that they have differing returns and risk profiles. 

When selecting appropriate benchmarks, investors frequently select lower-risk assets, for example bonds, with durations similar to the investment horizon, meaning the time during which they plan to hold the investment. 

Improving investment strategy with the Sharpe ratio 

Identifying higher Sharpe ratio opportunities 

The Sharpe ratio can be used to compare different portfolios to determine which ones have higher risk-adjusted returns. It can also be used to single out individual assets that have higher risk-adjusted returns. 

By incorporating assets with a higher Sharpe ratio into a portfolio, an investor can potentially increase its risk-adjusted returns.

Sharpe ratio vs. Sortino ratio

The Sortino ratio, created by Frank A. Sortino, is a relative of the Sharpe ratio that accounts more for downside risk. 

In its calculation, the Sortino ratio still uses a risk-free rate, but subtracts that from the portfolio's average rate of return rather than the known or expected rate of return. It then divides the return difference by the standard deviation of the downside, not the general standard deviation. 

The idea behind the Sortino ratio is that it provides a more real look at the risk being taken on since it doesn't account for the upside of volatility, which actually benefits the portfolio.

Sharpe ratioSortino ratio
  • Identifies risk as total volatility

  • Uses expected or known rate of return in calculation

  • Better used on generally lower-risk investments

  • Identifies downside risk specifically
  • Uses average rate of return in calculation
  • More suited for higher-risk investments since it better accounts for that added risk 

The Sharpe ratio is an important tool for understanding your investments. It takes into account your returns and your risk, and shows you whether your returns are worth the level of risk you're taking on.

If your Sharpe ratio is below 1, you'll know that while you're performing better than the benchmark, there is still some improvement to be made with your investments. Diversifying your portfolio can help drive that ratio up by buffering your investments against downturns. 

Calculating a portfolio's Sharpe ratio doesn't have to be left up to professional investment managers. Everyday investors can get used to using the Sharpe ratio for investment analysis and then harnessing their findings in their decision-making. 


What does a higher Sharpe ratio indicate? It indicates an expandable section or menu, or sometimes previous / next navigation options.

A higher Sharpe ratio indicates that a portfolio will provide greater returns relative to risk (as measured by volatility). 

How do you calculate the Sharpe ratio? It indicates an expandable section or menu, or sometimes previous / next navigation options.

You can calculate the Sharpe ratio by subtracting a particular portfolio's return rate from the risk-free rate of return and then dividing that result by the standard deviation of the portfolio's excess return. 

Can the Sharpe ratio be negative? What does that mean? It indicates an expandable section or menu, or sometimes previous / next navigation options.

The Sharpe ratio can be negative if the return generated by a portfolio is less than the risk-free return. What this means is that the portfolio is underperforming the risk-free return. 

Is the Sharpe ratio applicable to all types of investments? It indicates an expandable section or menu, or sometimes previous / next navigation options.

The Sharpe ratio can be used to evaluate all types of investments, but its usefulness can vary significantly depending on the investment in question. 

How should investors interpret the Sharpe ratio when comparing investments? It indicates an expandable section or menu, or sometimes previous / next navigation options.

A higher Sharpe ratio indicates that a particular investment will have better risk-adjusted returns. However, investors must keep in mind that this particular ratio has its limitations, which should be kept in mind when evaluating an investment option.


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