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My partner makes 4 times as much as me. How do we live together without me feeling like I live off him?

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The reader is not pictured. Jordi Salas/Getty Images

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  • For Love & Money is a biweekly column from Insider answering your relationship and money questions.
  • This week, a reader makes much less money than their partner and is worried about the imbalance.
  • Our columnist says that's not a problem, but it's important to talk about their insecurities.
  • Got a question for our columnist? Write to For Love & Money using this Google form.

Dear For Love & Money,

My partner and I are fully committed to each other and absolutely soulmates. But we're never getting married, and we don't plan to share a bank account.

We both are doing jobs that we love and fully support the other's career, but he makes four times as much as I do. How can we do life together in a way that won't make me feel like I'm living off him, given how wildly different our income levels are?


Unfairly Thriving

Dear Unfairly Thriving,

I can feel the love and respect you share with your partner bubbling up between each word of your letter. Congratulations! This balance of equity and devotion is hard to come by, and even couples happily married for years don't always achieve it.

Another thing I noticed in your letter is the confidence you have in your decisions. You are as definite in your choice not to get married or share a bank account as you are that you've found your soulmate. Even calling your chosen jobs "careers" tells me these are settled decisions.

You and your partner know yourselves. You know what you want. You like yourselves, and you like one another. With all of this in mind, here is the question you ought to ask yourself: Why doesn't this confidence extend to your financial contributions?

Another thing I noticed in your letter is that you have drawn a definite boundary line through the middle of your relationship. No legally binding intermingling of lives. No messy combination of finances. No interdependence influencing one another's career choices.

The only exception to this pattern is your mention of "living off him," which tells me you have combined at least some of your living expenses. I wonder if this exception to your system of mutual independence is the reason your unequal financial contribution is the only area where your confidence falters.

Boundaries can be like that. They keep us safe by keeping things that threaten our health and happiness on the other side of the wall, but by the same token, they also wall us in. The only solution to this paradox is a hefty helping of self-awareness.

Once you understand why you have made the choices you've made, you can evaluate them properly. I've always lived by the maxim, "If it's not broke, don't fix it," so I'm not suggesting you second guess any of the choices you and your partner have made that you wrote about so confidently in your letter. You're both thriving, and I wouldn't change a thing, except for your insecurity in this one area.

You didn't mention how you determined your individual financial contributions to your shared life, but if you did discuss a plan and agree on it as a couple, ask yourself why you feel guilty about something you both agreed was fair.

To get anywhere, you'll have to be brutally honest with yourself. Your first reaction might just be that you don't want to burden him. Instead, seek the deeper truth — the kind we usually have to excavate in therapy with the aid of a psychoanalyst and a box of tissues.

Your real answer may be, "I'm worried he'll resent me for being a mooch, and then he'll leave me." Or, "In a world that calculates a person's worth based on the number on their paycheck, I'm scared my partner and everyone else will think I have less value than he does."

Whatever you uncover about your motivation, don't judge yourself for feeling this way. The only wrong answer here is the dishonest one that pretends you've never had a selfish or silly motive in your life. We all have. No exceptions.

That said, chances are good your true answer will be an irrational one. So, call it what it is, tear it apart, and remember who you are as an individual and as a couple. You both have built a happy and highly functional relationship. Something as minor as income disparity won't undermine that.

But maybe you never did settle on a specific financial arrangement. Maybe you split your bills down the middle, and your partner just picks up the check on everything else because he can and you can't. If this is a closer description of how you two are managing things, sit down with your partner and make a financial plan.

Not only should this plan make financial sense, it should also address your insecurities about your partner's disproportionate financial contribution to your lives — even if this just means opening up to him about your fears.

You called this man your partner. To some, "partner" doesn't have the same romantic implications something like "significant other" or "boyfriend" might. Instead, it evokes work. Corporate America can't get enough of the word.

So why do we use it to describe our most intimate relationships? Because life is work, and so we build our most committed relationships around the idea that this work will be shared. It may not be as sexy as the more romantic titles, but I'd argue it's for this reason that "partner" is the more beautiful word.

That's the thing about great partnerships — they leave no room for scorekeeping. A great partnership looks like two people running towards a shared goal with everything they've got, and when one partner sees the other struggling, they'll wrap their arm around them and share their strength. Because that's what partners do.

Rooting for you both,

For Love & Money

Looking for advice on how your savings, debt, or another financial challenge is affecting your relationships? Write to For Love & Money using this Google form.

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