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What it means to be immunocompromised and the conditions that put you at risk of infection

what does immunocompromised mean
Someone who is immunocompromised has a higher risk of infection. urbazon/Getty Images
  • Immunocompromised means that a person is more likely to contract an infection because of a weakened immune system.
  • Some of the conditions that compromise your immune system are HIV/AIDS, diabetes, cancer, and common variable immunodeficiency (CVID).
  • If you are immunocompromised you should take extra steps to protect yourself against infection by boosting your immune system through exercising regularly and taking vitamins C, B6, and E.
  • This article was medically reviewed by Tania Elliott, MD, who specializes in infectious diseases related to allergies and immunology for internal medicine at NYU Langone Health
  • Visit Insider's homepage for more stories.

Human bodies are naturally equipped to fight off infections with the help of a complex immune system and infection-fighting white blood cells. However, certain groups have a much harder time warding off infections and staying healthy due to a weakened immune system. This is called being immunocompromised.


If you are immunocompromised it means you have a weak immune system

Those who are immunocompromised, or sometimes referred to as immunosuppressed, are more vulnerable than the general public to infections caused by viruses, bacteria, fungi, and parasites. On top of this, they are more likely to suffer from serious complications from infections that they pick up.  

"During epidemics such as what we are experiencing with the COVID-19 outbreak, they are at higher risk for serious illness if they become infected by the virus," says Nicolas Vabret, PhD, assistant professor of Immunology at Mount Sinai in New York City. 

If someone is immunocompromised due to a virus, such as HIV, it's even harder to fight a secondary infection since the body is already fighting a virus. That's because the body only has so many infection-fighting white blood cells.

For example, one common problem people with HIV or AIDS may face is pneumonia. According to a 2017 study published in the scientific journal Pneumonia, pneumonia — the illlness — is one of the most common infections causing morbidity and mortality in those with HIV/AIDS. 


What diseases make you immunocompromised

Many conditions can cause somebody to become immunocompromised. Some of the most common are: 

  • Common variable immunodeficiency (CVID): With this disorder, your body lacks a sufficient amount of infection-fighting proteins. As a result, the body struggles to fight off any viruses and bacteria, so people with CVID are more susceptible to ear, sinus, and respiratory infections.  
  • HIV/AIDS: HIV causes the immune system to turn against itself. As HIV progresses, your immune system gets weaker and weaker, because CD4 T cells are being destroyed. These cells are a type of white blood cell that's a key player in warding off disease. As a result, this leaves the system vulnerable to any infection that may enter the body.
  • Diabetes: Diabetes is not a condition that in and of itself causes immunocompromisation. However, a 2019 study published in Current Diabetes Review states high blood sugar in Type 2 diabetes has a negative effect on the immune system, leaving diabetics more vulnerable to infection. The same can be said for poorly controlled Type 1 diabetes.
  • Cancer: Various types of cancers weaken the immune system. According to the American Cancer Society, cancer patients may experience neutropenia, a condition where you have very low levels of white blood cells. If you don't have enough white blood cells, your body can't fight infection. 

Aside from diseases, various treatments can cause someone to become immunocompromised. "Certain kinds of treatment and therapies, such as anticancer treatments, or treatments received during an organ transplant are also immunosuppressive and can render patients vulnerable to virus infection," says Vabret. 

Elderly people are also considered to be immunocompromised, since aging naturally causes the immune system to weaken.


What immunocompromised people can do to protect themselves

People who are immunocompromised must take extra precautions to protect themselves from illnesses, and the first step to this is living a healthy lifestyle.

Exercise regularly: Staying active and exercising regularly can boost your immune system and may help the body fight infections.

Get enough sleep: According to a 2015 study published in the Journal of Immunology Research, sleep deprivation makes you more susceptible to viral and bacterial infections, so it's especially smart for immunocompromised people to get quality sleep.

Avoid vices: Vabret also urges immunocompromised people to avoid vices that can weaken the immune system even further, such as smoking, drinking alcohol, and eating excessive junk food. 

Eat a healthy diet: Eating a diet rich in vitamins and minerals is critical for maintaining good health. Vitamin C, Vitamin B6, and Vitamin E are great immunity boosters, according to Cleveland Clinic. It's best to get these vitamins (and any other vitamins) through food rather than supplements since your body often absorbs them more easily this way. 

Stay clean: Cleanliness is crucial for immunocompromised people. Vabret says they should wash their hands often and thoroughly, avoid touching their face, and clean surfaces in their homes that they touch frequently, especially if these surfaces are shared with other people.

During an outbreak, be extra careful: During an outbreak, like with COVID-19, the immunocompromised have to take strict measures to ensure their safety. "They should practice self-isolation and reduce interaction with other people during the course of the epidemics. This may not be easy, but it is the safest strategy," says Vabret. "They should plan solutions to avoid having to go into crowded public places such as supermarkets, restaurants, and social events. The overall objective is to adapt your lifestyle to reduce your exposure to the virus."

More tips: Check out our article on how to boost the immune system for more detailed tips.

If you're immunocompromised, remember, it's always better to be safe than sorry. Be responsible and make decisions that put yourself and your health first. 

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