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9 common causes of bloating and how to relieve it, according to gastroenterologists

This article was medically reviewed by Jason R. McKnight, MD, MS, a family medicine physician and clinical assistant professor at Texas A&M College of Medicine
bloating stomach pain gas cramps
Bloating can cause abdominal pain and gas. PixelsEffect/Getty Images
  • The most common causes of bloating include food intolerances, too much fiber, and IBS. 
  • To get rid of bloating, avoid troublesome foods and try over-the-counter products like Gas-X. 
  • If your bloating is accompanied by blood in your stool or long-lasting abdominal pain, see a doctor.

If you've ever had to unbutton your pants due to a swollen stomach or trapped gas, you've experienced bloating — a condition that affects 15% to 30% of the US population

While bloating is uncomfortable, it's usually the result of something harmless like eating too fast. However, sometimes it could be the sign of an underlying medical condition like irritable bowel syndrome or gallbladder disease.

Here are nine possible causes of bloating and how to get rid of it.


1. Food intolerances 

Food intolerances are when your body does not properly digest certain foods, says Divya Mallam, MD, a gastroenterologist at Torrance Memorial Medical Center. Food intolerances can cause gas and water stools, which can result in bloating.  

Lactose intolerance — or the inability to digest dairy properly — is one of the most common types of food intolerances, affecting as much as 70% of the world's population

Other types of food intolerances include:

  • Gluten intolerance or sensitivity. Gluten is a protein found in wheat.
  • Fructose intolerance. Fructose is a sugar found in fruits, like apples and pears. It can also be used as a sweetening agent in processed foods. 
  • Sulfite sensitivity. Sulfites are chemicals used to preserve foods like deli meat. They are also found naturally in grapes and some cheeses. 

How to treat it: If you have a food intolerance, the best way to reduce bloating is to avoid the foods that give you trouble, Mallam says. Those with lactose intolerance may find some relief using an over-the-counter lactase enzyme supplement, like Lactaid, when taken with dairy products. 


2. Eating too much fiber 

Eating too much fiber — especially if you've only recently added it to your diet — can cause bloating, says Ashkan Farhadi, MD, a gastroenterologist at MemorialCare Orange Coast Medical Center. That's because fiber is not easily digested by the human intestine, which in most cases is beneficial — it can add bulk to your stool, thereby easing constipation. 

However, when healthy gut bacteria digest fiber they produce gas as a byproduct. And if there is excess fiber, there can be excess gas. That's why beans, which are very fiber-rich, are notorious for causing flatulence. 

Some examples of foods that are high in fiber that might be the culprit of your bloating include:

  • Whole wheat products: ½ cup of whole wheat pasta has about 6 grams of fiber or 24% of your daily value (DV)
  • Lentils: ¼ cup of lentils has 15 grams of fiber, 60% DV
  • Broccoli: 100 grams of broccoli has 3.5 grams of fiber, 14% DV
  • Beans: ½ cup of black beans has 4.94 grams of fiber, 18% DV
  • Apples: 1 small apple has about 4.93 grams of fiber, 20% DV

How to treat it: Stick to the recommended daily intake of fiber, which is 38 grams for men and 25 grams for women. And, if your doctor has recommended eating more fiber, gradually build up how much you consume. 

Farhadi says you can also try over-the-counter products that will relieve gas and bloating such as Gas-X or Gaviscon. Alternatively, you could try taking Beano before you eat, which has enzymes that can help you break down hard-to-digest foods and possibly prevent gas before it starts.


3. Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) 

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a condition that affects the large intestine and can result in uncomfortable gastrointestinal symptoms, like bloating, abdominal pain, constipation, and diarrhea. 

Doctors aren't yet sure what causes IBS or the exact ways it can result in bloating. Some researchers have suggested IBS may cause problems with bacteria in the gut, which can lead to excessive gas and bloating. Another theory is that people with IBS are less able to tolerate and transport gas, so they feel more bloated than people without IBS.

How to treat it: Research has found eating a diet low in FODMAP foods can help relieve symptoms of IBS. FODMAP, are foods and ingredients that are hard to digest and thereby cause GI symptoms such as bloating and diarrhea.

Examples of these foods include

  • Broccoli
  • Cauliflower
  • Cabbage
  • Brussel Sprouts

According to a 2016 review, about 86% of patients with IBS experienced an overall improvement in symptoms following a low-FODMAP diet. 

A 2017 review found similar results, but more studies are needed to understand any potential adverse effects of consuming a low-FODMAP diet long-term.


4. Swallowing air

Swallowing air is a natural part of eating and drinking. But, Farhadi says swallowing excessive air can lead to gas and bloating.

Some common causes of excess air include:

How to treat it: Try the following tips to eat more slowly: 

  • Drinking water between bites 
  • Chewing food for 10 to 15 seconds 
  • Putting utensils down between bites 

5. Consuming artificial sweeteners and sugar alcohols

Sugar alcohol and artificial sweeteners are a type of FODMAP. Popular artificial sweeteners and sugar alcohols are: 

Artificial sweeteners

Sugar alcohols

  • Sorbitol
  • Xylitol
  • Mannitol 

How to treat it: Try cutting out or limiting artificial sweeteners in your diet. You can do this by: 

  • Replacing artificial sweetener packets with regular table sugar or natural substitutes like honey or agave nectar
  • Using a flavored creamer that isn't sugar-free 
  • Reading labels before consuming products, specifically diet or lower-sugar products

6. Your menstrual cycle 

Some women experience bloating during their periods, Mallam says. This is related to changes in hormonal levels, mainly estrogen and progesterone. 

Some research suggests these hormonal changes cause the body to retain more water and salt, which can result in bloating.  

How to treat it: Some ways to reduce bloating during your period include steering clear of foods high in FODMAPs, drinking plenty of water, and maintaining a regular exercise routine, Mallam says. 


7. Gastroparesis 

Gastroparesis, or delayed gastric emptying, is a disorder in which the stomach does not empty food as quickly as it should. When food sits in the stomach for prolonged periods of time, it can lead to bloating and gas, says Hardeep Singh, MD, a gastroenterologist with the Providence St. Joseph Hospital

The exact cause of gastroparesis varies and sometimes can't be determined. Some possible causes include complications of diabetes or inflammation after surgery. 

How to treat it: Eating smaller, more frequent meals can help reduce bloating from gastroparesis, Singh says. Consuming foods that are soft or more liquid, like applesauce or smoothies, may also help reduce symptoms since they're easier to digest. 


8. Gallbladder disease 

Gallbladder disease refers to infection, inflammation, stones, or blockages in the gallbladder — a sac located under the liver. Bloating is considered a less common symptom of the disease, though it can occur, Mallam says. 

Gallbladder disease is common, affecting 10% to 20% of Americans. It often feels like sharp pain in the upper right abdomen that occurs within 30 minutes of eating and can last for a couple of hours, Mallam says.

"Timing of symptoms is important. If they occur during or immediately after eating, they may be due to something else. If they occur within a couple of hours after a meal, they are more likely related to your gallbladder," Mallam says. "Bloating in the absence of other symptoms is less likely due to gallbladder disease and other causes should be explored."

How to treat it: The condition is typically treated by removing the gallbladder.


9. Certain types of cancer 

Some cancers can contribute to bloating. These include:

While bloating can occur with any of these cancers, it is not usually the only sign, Singh says. Other symptoms of these cancers include:

How to treat it: If you experience frequent bloating in addition to any of the above symptoms, then you should seek an evaluation from your doctor, Singh says. 


Insider's takeaway 

Bloating is an uncomfortable sensation of tightness in your abdomen. It can have many causes including eating too fast, your diet, irritable bowel syndrome, or gallbladder disease. If you experience frequent bloating, consult with your doctor about possible causes and ways to manage symptoms.


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