The best acne treatments for every type of skin, according to dermatologists

Acne treatment
Acne treatment Jose Luis Pelaez Inc/Getty Images

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  • There are four main types of acne that dermatologists say you can treat at home: comedonal acne, inflammatory acne, pustular acne, and cystic acne.
  • Because these acne types differ in appearance and cause, each requires a unique treatment to clear up the skin.
  • We spoke to three dermatologists to help identify the various kinds of acne, as well as the most effective treatments for each of them.
  • For the purpose of receiving accurate diagnoses and erring on the side of caution, it's a good idea to consult with your doctor or dermatologist before trying a new acne treatment.

Pimples, blemishes, zits, and spots – these are terms that often pop up in conversations regarding acne. However, acne encompasses much more than what you might expect. It may seem obvious that varying types of acne exist, but determining the cause and treatment of each kind of breakout can be difficult. For example, you might experience the common blackhead on a more regular basis and deeper cystic acne around your monthly cycle. But a blackhead and cystic acne are two separate affairs and should be treated as such. 

To better grasp this complex skin condition, it's helpful to first look at its triggers. "Acne is caused by four main factors: oil production, acne-causing bacteria, blocked pores, and inflammation," says Dr. Joshua Zeichner, a dermatologist in NYC. "People with acne make more oil than those without acne, and the quality of the oil is different." According to Dr. Zeichner, oxidation of the oil is thought to contribute to the development of acne. "Oil gets trapped within the pores by cells that stick together, creating a bottleneck," he says. "The oily environment encourages the overgrowth of acne-causing bacteria that promote inflammation."

The most important thing to understand is everyone's skin – and consequently, everyone's acne – varies and should be treated accordingly and with care


Comedonal acne

Comedonal acne refers to both whiteheads and blackheads, which are caused by pore blockage. These two types of breakouts are pretty much the same, except for one large difference. "Whiteheads have skin grown over them, while blackheads do not," says dermatologist Dr. Ted Lain. If the pore remains exposed, the oil inside oxidizes and turns black, causing a blackhead. Whiteheads are different from pus-filled breakouts because the whitehead isn't actually pus — it's hardened sebum. So when you squeeze it (which you shouldn't) it won't pop all over your mirror as a pus-filled whitehead might. You'll typically see comedonal acne on your chin and cheeks. 

Inflammatory acne

Inflammatory acne is categorized as small, angry bumps that don't usually have a whitehead or pustule on top — but they're smaller than cysts, which tend to be dime-sized or larger. Inflammatory zits are also known as papules, and you don't usually just get one. They typically present in a group, and are normally seen on the face, neck chest, and back. 


Pustular acne

If you've ever squeezed a pimple and watched the pus shoot out onto your bathroom mirror, you've had pustular acne. "They have whiteheads and look enflamed," says dermatologist Dr. Dendy Engelman. "They're the ones that people most want to pop or pick." They're caused by bacteria, which is exactly why people tell you not to pick them when you do have them. Once you do, the bacteria can spread, causing more breakouts. 

Cystic acne

Those big, tender, painful pimples that have no head are cysts, and they tend to be caused by stress or hormones. They're also the most serious type of acne and result from oil and bacteria being trapped deep beneath the skin. You'll know if you have them — they're red and painful to the touch. They tend to appear on the chin and jawline. According to Dr. Engelman, you should never attempt to pick or pop these types of pimples. 

In order to figure out how to treat these types of acne, we spoke to our three dermatologists about the best acne treatments they'd recommend. 


Here are the best acne treatments:


Updated on 10/28/2020 by Maria Del Russo: Updated categories, replaced all product picks, and added in expert commentary on each acne type and treatment type. 


The best treatment for comedonal acne (whiteheads and blackheads)


When it comes to whiteheads and blackheads, there's no better treatment than your classic Differin Gel.

Pros: Effective at preventing and treating acne, gel formula ensures oily skin won't get clogged

Cons: Can be drying at first

"Comedonal acne refers to whiteheads and blackheads," says Dr. Engelman. "Almost everyone will get one every now and then." According to our dermatologists, they're caused by clogged pores. So for these types of acne, you need a product that "opens" the pores, allowing the sebum to drain so the whitehead can diminish.

That's where Differin Gel comes in. "Its active ingredient is Adapalene, which is a retinoid," Dr. Engelman says. "It helps to open pores and decrease sebum." Adapalene is a mainstay in dermatology for a reason — it works incredibly well. (Dr. Zeichner calls retinoids like it "pipe cleaners that keep the pores open so the blocked oil can be released.")

While most people use Differin as a spot treatment, Dr. Engelman says it's actually better as a regular all-over treatment if your skin can handle it. "It can be a bit drying at first," she says. "But it does best when it's used for prevention, not for treatment." While it will clear up breakouts that you already have, it will also go the extra mile in helping to stop future comedonal acne from reappearing.

And since it comes in a gel format, it's well-tolerated by oily skin types, and it won't make you break out further. Just use a pea-sized amount at night, and finish with a moisturizer to mitigate any dryness. In the morning, make sure to use sunscreen.

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The best treatment for inflammatory acne


Inflammatory acne needs a treatment that will reduce inflammation while unclogging pores, and Neutrogena's Pink Grapefruit Oil-Free Acne Wash does just that. 

Pros: Clears pores, blunts inflammation, is non-drying

Cons: May not be strong enough for those who don't have sensitive skin

"You can tell when your acne is inflammatory because the zits look super irritated," Dr. Engelman says. They may also be painful to the touch. 

All three of our dermatologists suggest salicylic acid for this type of acne. "It helps to remove excess oil and dead skin cells from the surface of the skin," Dr. Zeichner says. For that reason, he loves Neutrogena's Pink Grapefruit Oil-Free Acne Wash. The salicylic acid helps to keep your pores clear, keeping them from clogging and causing inflammatory acne. Salicylic acid is also anti-inflammatory — its base is actually aspirin, which helps to bring inflammation down. 

You could use a spot treatment if you wanted, but Dr. Engelman suggests a face wash, especially if you've got more sensitive skin. "Shorter contact would be the way to go in those cases, meaning a face wash or a toner," she says. "Often what we do is use salicylic acid as a spot treatment when you have an active breakout, and then, if you're acne-prone, use it as a face wash for regular upkeep."

If you're looking for a spot treatment, Kate Sommerville EradiKate is the gold standard — and it includes salicylic acid. 


The best treatment for pustular acne

La Roche-Posay

The pus-filled zits that you can't help but pick will disappear with La Roche-Posay's Effaclar Duo, which contains benzoyl peroxide, an anti-bacterial acid. 

Pros: Exfoliates dead skin, removes excess oil, and doesn't cause bacterial resistant

Cons: More irritating than salicylic acid, so it may be too harsh for sensitive skin types

As satisfying as it is, popping a pustule — which is a pimple with a big white head — is never a good idea. Since these zits are caused by bacteria, popping them can cause the bacteria to spread, which just leads to more pimples. 

Instead, reach for La Roche-Posay's Effaclar Duo, which contains benzoyl peroxide. "These types of zits do great with this type of treatment," Dr. Engelman says. Most acne becomes resistant to antibacterial treatments over time, which is why a lot of topical treatments don't work on them. "But benzoyl peroxide doesn't cause bacterial resistant," Dr. Engelman adds. (There isn't an exact reason as to why, though — it's just one of those things.)

Dr. Zeichner loves La Roche-Posay's treatment because, along with the benzoyl peroxide, it also contains a Lipohydroxy acid, which is a beta hydroxy acid related to salicylic acid. "This combination can reduce the levels of acne-causing bacteria, exfoliate themselves from the skin's surface, and remove excess oil," he says. 

The drawback is that benzoyl is more irritating than salicylic acid, so you may want to start with baby steps. Don't use this every single night, even when you are breaking out, and then work your way up if your skin reacts positively.


The best treatment for cystic, hormonal acne

Cortizone 10

Those large, deep, painful cysts are typically the result of hormones or stress. They're best served by a dermatologist, but Cortizone 10 can work in a pinch — so long as you aren't over-using it. 

Pros: Can be used in a pinch, reduces inflammation, makes zits lets painful

Cons: Prolonged use can atrophy the skin

Cystic acne is characterized by large, deep, painful pimples that have no head. They typically occur on the chin — and they hurt. "You should never, ever attempt to pick these," Dr. Engelman says. 

These types of pimples are best healed by dermatologists. They usually inject the pimple with a cortisone shot that helps bring down the inflammation. But if you're in a pinch, and you can't get the dermatologist, Dr. Zeichner and Dr. Engelman suggest a 1% hydrocortisone cream, like Cortizone 10

"This shouldn't be a mainstay," Dr. Engelman says. "Prolonged use of these can cause atrophy, which is the thinning of the skin." But the hydrocortisone cream can help to take down the inflammation, making the zits smaller and less painful. It's like a less-intense, topical version of what you would get in the dermatologist's office. 

Cortizone 10 should only be used as a spot treatment, and should only be used once or twice before you contact your doctor. If you aren't seeing an improvement in your cystic acne, make sure to go to your dermatologist. You may need something prescription-grade to get it under control.

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