When should I contact the Ombuds?

Contact the Ombuds Office when:

  • You need an impartial and confidential sounding board.
  • You think you may have been treated unfairly.
  • You want to report a problem but first you want to get a sense of possible outcomes.
  • You want to discuss a University policy or practice that you think is unfair or problematic.
  • You’ve been through a formal grievance and you think procedural errors were made.
  • You are not sure how to interpret a University policy or procedure.
  • You are not sure which University policy applies to your situation.
  • You need a mediator or a facilitator.
  • You are not sure where else to turn for help and need guidance.

Any type of University-related concern may be brought to the Ombuds Office by any member of the BU community.  Here are examples of common problems the ombuds handles:

  • Requests for clarification of a policy or process.
  • Help dealing with interpersonal conflicts.
  • Help dealing with concerns about unethical, uncivil, or inappropriate behavior.
  • Help dealing with concerns about of financial malfeasance.
  • Questions about health and life safety.
  • Concerns about office politics, workplace climate, and work equity.
  • Questions about intellectual property.
  • Guidance on how to have difficult conversations and communicate respectfully.
  • Problems with institutional non-responsiveness and red-tape.
  • Concerns about procedural fairness or due process.