Critical Incidents

Critical incidents are events that cause significant stress and potential disruption to the usual functioning of individuals, teams, and organizations. Examples include the death of a coworker, workforce reductions, workplace or community violence and natural disasters. Research shows that a caring and supportive workplace can significantly impact the resilience of those who experience traumatic events.  FSAO counselors have specialized training in strategies for enhancing the resilience of employees and organizations in coping effectively with highly stressful events.

Management Consultation

Leaders play a critical role in helping individuals and work groups cope with stressful events.  Their presence, communications and demonstrations of support can facilitate natural processes of recovery and resilience. The FSAO counselors can help managers identify the needs of their employees and develop a tailored and effective response plan.

FSAO response services might include:

  • On-site support
  • Assistance with management briefing meetings
  • Small group interventions focused on support and tips for coping
  • Same-day appointments for those in crisis
  • Outreach to employees who may be struggling
  • Follow-up
  • Resource materials

We encourage you to contact the FSAO at 617-353-5381 to consult with a counselor about how best to support your employees.

Additional Information for Managers and Leaders

Leadership Communication: Anticipating and Responding to Stressful Events

Grief Leadership: Leadership in the Wake of Tragedy