Inspired by the dedication of the Dahod Family Alumni Center, the Rhett Bench was envisioned as a gathering place for students, alumni, and visitors, promoting a sense of unity and connection. The plan to make the Rhett Bench a reality began in July 2018 when Denise Schier (ENG’81) challenged to Boston University Alumni Council to raise the necessary funds to bring the bench to life.

Unveiled in August 2019 and situated between the BU Beach and the Alan & Sherry Leventhal Admissions Center, the Rhett Bench has rapidly emerged as a beloved destination on campus. Whether you’re an alum returning for Alumni Weekend, a student leisurely walking by the BU Beach, or a visitor exploring the Charles River campus, we warmly encourage you to capture a memorable photo with Rhett and share it on social media using the hashtag #RhettBench.