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WOW.. this is frightening. It's not the first case in that area that has seen unscrupulous agents/developers/characters utilise similar tactics to relieve persons, mainly senior citizens of their property. After reading this particular instance though I have what maybe a few obvious questions. 1. How were these persons able to reach the supposed family member in Australia? 2. What does the will actually say in relation to allocations? 3. If the percentage amount paid for is undisclosed how did they arrive at the figure of 75% for the relative supposedly in Australia? 4. Were the documents proported to be from Australia legitimate? And where did the supposed deed come from? 5. For complete transparency the supposed new purchasers should be made to disclose the information of whereabouts and contact information to at least to a neutral court appointed person and contact be made to this Giles person to verify. This is too significant an issue to be left hanging or for decision to be awarded one way or other without ALL information presented to a court. 6. If one of the steps to be taken before sale is that of arbitration as indicated in article, why did a court/ judge allow proceedings without the findings or information from this process? 7. If a Will has not been probated, how can a court/judge proceed to divest any of the estate? 8. Prior to 2017, where the Giles person allegedly gave up their alleged share, what was his/her input in the property? 9. While the original owner of the property was alive and immediately after death, what was the involvement in the property from Giles? Where was he/she during that period to when the 'purchaser' allegedly found this Giles? ------ This case seems as though it needs to be reviewed by a higher court with an even finer tooth comb. Families need to be aware particularly now with the rise of things like this happening, how important it is to have clear, concise instructions and will, and ensure to have it registered with neutral persons, in addition to the lawyer of choice. Too often ambiguity or reliance on good faith as family members end in these situations or worse.

Court Allows Partition Sale of Bed Stuy Home in Family for 75 Years

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