With all the attention the Domino Sugar factory has been getting in recent months, we thought it would be interesting to take a look back at the Havemeyer family that built the waterfront facility in Williamsburg and has a street named after them in the neighborhood. Here’s what the book Brooklyn By Name (NYU Press, 2006) has to say about them:

Brothers Frederick C. Havemeyer (1774-1841) and William Havemeyer(1770-1851) were major industrialists who made their money in sugar processing. Arriving from Germany at the turn of the nineteenth century, they soon built a sugar refinery on Vandam Street in Manhattan. William’s son, William F. (1804-1874), took over the family business in the 1830s but ventured into politics and became a three-term New York mayor. Cousin Frederick C. Havemeyer Jr. (1807-1891) stayed in the sugar trade and in 1857 established the longstanding South 3rd Street factory on the Williamsburg waterfront. His son, Henry Havemeyer (1847-1907), named the company Domino’s Sugar in the early 1900s and worked to corner the market. His Sugar Refineries Company, or “Sugar Trust,” functioned like Standard Oil–monopolistically (and like Standard Oil did battle with the government over makret control). An era ended in 2004 when Domino’s Sugar terminated its refining operations and the East River plant (and classic signage) bearing its name. The company is now a part of the British concern Tate & Lyle.

It would be interesting to know where the Havemeyer clan lived during all this. Manhattan or Brooklyn?
Photo by Susan Stars

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  1. Amanda, My name is Justin and I currently reside in the Mundy House in Riverside, IL. This was the house of Norris Havemeyer Mundy, who is the son of Norris Woodruff Mundy. Norris Havemeyer Mundy’s uncle, William A. Havemeyer; one of the original founders of the American Sugar Refining Co.

    The Mundy name seems to have been squeaked out of the history of the ASR Co. (now Domino Sugar), but his father, Norris Woodruff Mundy (wife Annie A.) is credited in some sources as another founding member of the ASR Co.

    Please feel free to contact me. I’m doing an architectural restoration project of this old Victorian and more history would be helpful for me as well. I have some old pictures with the Kohler family at the dining room table (all in tuxedos) which is older and fantastic! I’m doing the history of the house and the family, so any help would be appreciated!

  2. hi my name is Amanda Mundy. my greatgrand fathers wifes family is the havemeyers. I was just wondering if there is anyways i can contact them so that i can learn some of my family history. if anyone could give me information that would be absolutly amazing.

  3. hi my name is Amanda Mundy. my greatgrand fathers wifes family is the havemeyers. I was just wondering if there is anyways i can contact them so that i can learn some of my family history. if anyone could give me information that would be absolutly amazing.

    • Hi Amanda Mundy,
      I am John Havemeyer
      Your post is like 6 years old so I’ll wait to see if you reply.
      I can provide much info about the Havemeyer and Mundy families, I do genealogy

      (P.S., If anyone is still discussing the evilness of the Havemeyer’s I would like to reply)

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