The Best Time of Year to Get Married, Based on Your Zodiac Sign

These are the best months to get married, according to astrology.

bride and groom on a beach in hawaii

Photo by Rebecca Yale Photography

You said “yes,” posted a tear-drenched show-off-the-ring selfie on Instagram, and are now wishing maybe you hadn’t. It's not the whole "I do" situation you regret, but rather the remorse you have every time you get the inevitable "When is the big day?" question. Perhaps you always thought you’d be a summer bride, but the timing of your engagement didn’t work out optimally for a June wedding. Or maybe your venue is booked until the dead of winter, and you’re now stuck with an either/or situation, deciding between your ideal setting and your dream dress (which is definitely not designed for freezing temperatures). The right wedding date, however, might be worth waiting for—at least, that's what the stars say.

If you're into the zodiac, consider identifying the best month to get married according to astrology—and build your timeline around your sign. According to astrologist Ambi Statham, as a general rule, it’s “nice” to get married in your zodiac month. “This is when the cosmic spotlight is shining firmly on you with the sun blazing in your section of the zodiac," she says.

Meet the Expert

Ambi Statham is an astrologist who works to bring positive changes to people's lives through astrology.

While there are certain months (or general seasons) that are better for certain signs (and their future marriages) than others, there are a few key periods of the year you want to avoid entirely. “We astrologers do not advise marrying during Venus, Mars, or Mercury retrogrades, as these are the specific retrogrades [that] can most adversely impact marriage and weddings,” says Statham. But don't despair: Our expert is here with specific-to-your-sign advice to help you decide when to walk down the aisle—so be sure to scope out your horoscope prior to sending out those save-the-dates.

Couple Enjoying Picnic

Photo by Janet Kaczmarek

Fire Signs: Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius

“Generally speaking, a fire sign will be seeking a powerful, fiery energy around them during their nuptials, so summer tends to be the best time for these signs to wed,” Statham says. “The sun is shining and the temperatures are warm, which suits their sunny and fiery dispositions.”


If you're an Aries, the best month to get married according to astrology is June—but we have an even more specific recommendation for you. “This sign is best suited to the start of summer, so June—perhaps a summer solstice wedding on the longest day of the year—would suit this dynamic sign,” Statham says.


Leos should consider tying the knot in July or August. “Lucky Leo can combine the summer and Leo season and wed later in the summer, from late July through late August,” Statham says. “Whatever Leo does is sure to be a fun party, as this sign loves entertaining.”


A Sagittarius has more variability when it comes to choosing a wedding date. June, July, and August are all good options, but there's another time of year that's just as valuable for this sign. “Sagittarius can opt for any time during the summer months and enjoy the warmth of the fiery sun gracing their nuptials," Statham says. "However, being the zodiac traveler, they may also choose to wed during the winter so they can get away to an exotic location where temperatures are warm.”

bride and groom kiss under the chuppah

Photo by Samm Blake

Earth Signs: Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn

Naturally, earth signs should choose a wedding month that allows them to tie the knot en plein air, in a comfortable outdoor environment—so it shouldn't be too hot or cold. “Spring and fall are the best times for these signs to wed,” Statham affirms. “Any type of outdoor wedding with Mother Nature as a backdrop is the perfect setting for the earth signs.”


If you're a Taurus, get hitched in April or May. “Taurus may prefer spring, which is nearer to their birthday month,” Statham says.

Virgo and Capricorn

Virgos and Capricorns should consider a wedding month on the other side of summer. “These signs could be better suited to autumn, and the later in autumn the better for Capricorn,” Statham suggests. “As these signs tend to seek grounding and balance, both the spring and fall equinoxes—which mark equal parts day and night—would both work well for them.”

Wedding Couple In Hot Air Balloon

Photo by Perry Vaile

Air Signs: Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius

If you're an air sign—so a Gemini, Libra, or Aquarius—you're in luck. You have the most flexibility when it comes to choosing a wedding month that will ensure a smooth, streamlined big day and happy marriage. “These signs can enjoy a wedding at any time of the year, provided it’s full of socializing,” Statham says.


For Geminis, your wedding month matters less than your wedding type. “Geminis may be drawn to a destination setting wherein they can maximize socializing and chatting with their guests over a few different events around their wedding week or weekend,” Statham suggests.


Libras, we have a best wedding month (September!) and a theme for you to consider: “Libra is likely to opt for something more classic and glamorous, and an early fall wedding would probably suit this sign best,” Statham says.


Absolutely no rules apply to this sign, Statham says—other than doing it your way. “As the zodiac’s most unpredictable sign, whatever Aquarius does is likely to have an unusual element to it—perhaps they drag their wedding guests on an eco-adventure wedding, for example,” she says. Ultimately, you have your pick of the calendar months when it comes to choosing a wedding date.

Bride and groom riding on a wooden boat on lake Como with their villa venue in the background

Photo by Lilly Red

Water Signs: Pisces, Cancer, and Scorpio

Pisces, Cancers, and Scorpios are all water signs—so whatever wedding month you decide on, try to find a locale that allows you to be near an ocean, lake, or river. “Water is the theme for these signs, whatever the season they choose,” Statham affirms.


“Pisces will enjoy a wedding at any time of the year, provided it is by a natural body of water, either the ocean, a lake, or a river,” Statham says. “However, marrying during their season, toward the end of winter, would suit Pisces best.”


Cancers, you have your pick of the summer months. “Cancer is likely to feel most at home during the summer, and a beachside wedding with their nearest and dearest would most suit this sign,” she says.


“Serious Scorpio would best suit a winter solstice wedding on the darkest day of the year,” she advises. “Think a winter wedding at sunset by a beautiful lake. This private sign may also enjoy a wedding sans guests and then celebrating with loved ones afterward.”

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