Never Trumper Bill Kristol Demands Joe Biden Step Aside: ‘Not Up to Four More Years’

Politicon 2017 - Day 1
Ronen Tivony/NurPhoto via Getty Images

Never Trumper Bill Kristol called on President Joe Biden to step aside as the Democrat presidential nominee in 2024, saying he was “not up to four more years” and “very unlikely” to defeat former President Donald Trump.

He posted on X on Tuesday:

1. Trump should not be president again.
2. Joe Biden is not up to four more years, and is therefore very unlikely to defeat Trump.
3. Biden should step aside, and Democrats should nominate a candidate who can defeat Trump.

If this is “elitist,” then common sense is elitist.

Kristol’s tweet comes as Biden, 81, has doubled down on running for another term in 2024 and as Democrats have slowly begun rallying around Biden after his disastrous debate performance against Trump, where he struggled to complete his thoughts and sparked panic within the Democrat Party.

What Was That?! Biden Coughs, Stumbles, Rambles His Way Through Debate After Week of Rest and Prep

Courtesy of CNN Presidential Debate

So far, six House Democrats have openly called for Biden to let someone else run for president in 2024, but progressives and black leaders in Congress say they are sticking by him.

After the debate, an Emerson College poll showed that support for Biden dropped, particularly among independent voters. Trump led Biden in support in that poll by three percentage points, with a margin of error of ± 2.6 percentage points.

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