Donating through payroll deduction is one of the most straightforward ways to give.

We also welcome gifts via the public and private sector workplace giving campaigns below. However you decide to contribute, your gift will help Breakthrough T1D drive toward cures while making life with T1D better for the people who face it.

Federal employees

Federal employees can donate to Breakthrough T1D through the Combined Federal Campaign (CFC), which runs annually from September 1 to January 15. The CFC is the world’s largest and most successful annual workplace charity campaign, with 38 CFC zones that raise millions of dollars each year.

To designate Breakthrough T1D as your payroll deduction beneficiary, please use our national CFC code 10569. If you would like to earmark your gift to a specific Breakthrough T1D location or fundraising program, please email us at  so that we can allocate it properly.

Corporate employees

Breakthrough T1D is a proud member of CHC: Creating Healthier Communities Federation. Many corporations partner with CHC to give their employees the opportunity to support our mission by payroll deduction contributions. To learn more—including how to create a workplace campaign at your organization or include CHC in your existing workplace giving campaign—please call CHC at 800-645-0845.

State and local employees

If you’re a state, county, municipal or school (Board of Education) employee and you’d like to contribute to Breakthrough T1D at work, please contact your human resources department to inquire about campaign availability, timeframe and designation methods.

Matching gifts

Many corporations will match their employee gifts to charitable organizations, effectively doubling or tripling your personal gift to Breakthrough T1D. Visit our matching gifts page to find your employer and make the match to your gift today!