Our Mission

Repairers of the Breach is building a movement rooted in a framework that uplifts our deepest moral and constitutional values to redeem the heart and soul of our country. We are committed to building and supporting moral movements for social change and training a fusion group of people, activists, artists, and faith leaders to organize and mobilize around a moral policy agenda that prioritizes love, truth, and justice.

Our Moral Agenda

IT​ ​IS​ ​TIME​ ​TO​ ​MOVE​ ​BEYOND​ ​LEFT​ ​AND​ ​RIGHT,​ ​LIBERAL​ ​AND CONSERVATIVE,​ ​AND​ ​UPHOLD​ ​HIGHER-GROUND​ ​MORAL​ ​VALUES! This Higher Ground Moral Declaration provides a moral agenda for our nation on issues including democracy and voting rights; poverty and economic justice; workers’ rights; education; healthcare; environmental justice; immigrant rights and challenging xenophobia; criminal justice; LGBTQ rights; and war-mongering and the military. LEARN MORE >

Building A Moral Movement

Our approach to movement-building is deeply rooted in faith traditions and Constitutional principles that require us to confront injustice with sustained moral articulation, moral analysis, and moral action. Our work is informed by the models of organizing that have shifted American public policy during the First and Second Reconstruction. We believe that America is in the midst of a Third Reconstruction initiated, as before, by a powerful fusion movement. A multi-issue and multi-identity moral movement is the key to transforming our nation. LEARN MORE >

Latest News

At Rallies Nationwide, Low-Wage Workers Tell Political Leaders: 'Our Votes Are Demands'

The nationwide demonstrations were organized by the Poor People's Campaign, a multiracial movement calling on state legislators and members of the U.S. Congress to act immediately to end the "crisis of death by poverty" in the richest country in the world. - READ MORE

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Our Work

  • Moral Fusion Organizing

  • Religious Affairs

  • Theomusicology

  • Poor People's Campaign


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Thank you for your continued support of our mission: to build a movement and agenda rooted in a framework that uplifts our deepest moral and constitutional values. Your gift helps us achieve our ultimate goals of reviving the nation's moral infrastructure, organizing moral-political power across the country, and developing a cohort of trained leaders.

Repairers of the Breach 501(c)3 non-profit organization. All donations are tax-deductible.