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How to submit commentary to Globe Rhode Island

The Boston Globe Rhode Island.

Here’s the thing: Local voices and local opinions matter. The Globe Rhode Island team wants to hear from you, and welcomes your commentary about issues that are important in the Ocean State.

In order to be considered for publication, commentary submitted to Globe Rhode Island must:

  • be focused on issues, news, or events having to do with Rhode Island;
  • be a maximum of 800 words;
  • include links to named, verifiable sources for any data referenced and evidence for claims made;
  • be factually accurate;
  • not include personal attacks;
  • not advertise for a company or product;
  • not be a political campaign speech, announcement, or endorsement;
  • have a real person’s name, not an organization’s, as the byline (two people may share a byline);
  • include a sentence at the end with more information about the author(s), disclosing any ties the writer has to organizations or events mentioned in the commentary;
  • include contact information — full name, email address, and phone number — for the author(s);
  • be exclusive to Globe Rhode Island.

Email us at, with COMMENTARY and the topic in the subject line. Due to volume, we can’t personally respond to or publish every submission we receive, but will let you know as soon as possible if your piece has been selected for publication online at All commentary is subject to fact checking and editing for length and clarity.

You can find Globe Rhode Island’s commentary section here. Thanks for reading. We’re looking forward to a robust conversation.

Lylah Alphonse can be reached at Follow her @WriteEditRepeat.