Can Lard Be Part of a Healthy Diet?

Image may contain Food Bread and Bagel
©Romulo Yanes

We teamed up with nutritionist McKel Hill, MS, RD, LDN from Nutrition Stripped to give us some friendly feedback on how we’re doing in the snack department. Are they good for us? Could they be better? We don’t always know, but McKel does. These are our snacks, attacked.

You guys know our resident morning person, associate web editor Rochelle Bilow. She likes to wake up early to make breakfast and run 8–10 miles, you know, to ease into the day. What's a gal like that grab for a snack? Rochelle tells us what she's craving these days:

Because I’m training for a marathon, it seems like I’m hungry all the time. Give me all the carbs! Lately, my favorite snack is a bit of a monster: Half an everything bagel topped with half a smashed avocado, alfalfa sprouts, cucumbers, flaky sea salt, and a ton of black pepper. And okay, I have to be honest here. I don’t toast my bagels like a normal person. When I have a stove handy, I pan-fry them in lard until golden brown all over. It makes them a little messier to eat, but is far superior to a dry bagel.

McKel, whatcha got?

Training for a marathon puts your energy intake higher than your "normal" needs because of excess exercise; so it's no wonder your body appropriately craves more food! Carbohydrates are a great, easy-to-digest fuel source for runners, so you're hitting the mark there. As far as adding in avocado, sprouts, and cucumbers, you have a nice balance of healthy fats and some vegetables. I would even suggest adding in a protein like grilled chicken, a hard-boiled egg, etc. Your "snack" may even look more like a mini-meal given your energy needs!

Sidenote/Question: I had a teacher in culinary school who claimed that lard was easier to digest than butter. True or false?

I can't say I've ever heard that lard is easier to digest than butter. Lard is a saturated fat and is a natural form of fat, unlike Crisco which contains hydrogenated oils. Surprisingly, if you're consuming high-quality lard, it also contains fatty acids like CLA, typically lower in omega-6 and higher in omega-3 fatty acids. I should note, I'm not recommending heating lard to very high temperatures (i.e. frying) or dousing in salt on top of a carbohydrate-rich food (French fries and the like). That's a completely different ballgame!

[If you're] going to eat butter, eat the real deal! None of the hydrogenated oils or margarines, just pure grass-fed butter. Or if you're dairy-free, try coconut butter or coconut oil.

Makes one rethink the bagel breakfast and perhaps consider a light jog.