A Cheat Code for Shucking Oysters

A few minutes under a broiler means no hand injuries in the middle of your party.
Shucked oysters on a bed of salt
Photograph by Isa Zapata, Food Styling by Mieko Takahashi

If done right, shucking an oyster can look suave, sexy even. With a petite knife and twist of the wrist, the cemented-shut bivalve springs open. If done wrong, you risk splintering bits of shell into the flesh, mangling the meat, or even stabbing your palm. People opt for various safeguards, from wrapping the oyster in a dish towel to wearing work gloves. But the easiest (and fastest) method for shucking is a blast of heat.

In the Southeast, where I live, winter gatherings revolve around an oyster roast, a ritual of stoking up big fires and cooking oysters over a grill grate. I prefer to skip the outdoors altogether (hello, it’s cold outside) and rely on my oven’s broiler instead.

With over 500 degrees of encouragement, oyster shells part just wide enough to shimmy an oyster knife into the middle, pry apart the shell, and release the meat. It’s quicker and less messy than a fireside grill, so you can get straight to slurping.

First, source your oysters. Most folks I know get their oysters from local fish markets or direct from oyster farmers. If you don’t have the oyster farmer hookup, look for seafood vendors at your nearest farmers market or supermarket, or check out online purveyors like Island Creek Oysters.

Then, simply arrange a single layer of raw oysters, flat side up, in a roasting pan or on a sheet pan. Set the pan on a rack in the upper quarter of the oven and broil on high for 5–10 minutes. The quick cook time keeps the meat plush and juicy, unlike an outdoor roast which cooks slowly and often unevenly. By broiling them with the cup side down, the oyster essentially poaches in its own briny liquor, eliminating the need for any additional liquid in the pan.

The oysters will be hot yet tender, the same delight as a rare steak.

Photograph by Isa Zapata, Food Styling by Mieko Takahashi

Check the oysters at the 5-minute mark and transfer any that have creaked open to a platter of rock salt or a heavy-duty wooden cutting board. Return the rest to the oven, and watch closely, removing any oysters as they open. At the 10-minute mark, toss any oysters that are still closed—a sign they went bad before entering the oven.

The oysters will be hot yet tender, the same delight as a rare steak. You can start shucking immediately, though you might want a towel or oven mitt to guard against the steaming shell. They’ll be cool enough to handle by the time you’re ready to dress them: A spritz of lemon is the least you could do, but a homemade mignonette sings of sophistication. Or opt for a bottle of hot sauce and some fried seasoned crackers.

It’s the ultimate party appetizer. While shucking by hand demands a lot of time and a lot of skill, this hack means you can effortlessly open about a dozen oysters at a time. And it’s much less risky than everyone testing their luck with an oyster knife, especially if they have a wine buzz going (and, let’s be honest, they probably do).