Making Your Own Flavored Vinegar Is Surprisingly Simple and Extremely Worth It

So you can make even the cheapest vinegar taste fancy.
Three glass jars filled with vinegar and other ingridients.
Photograph by Isa Zapata, Food Styling by Thu Buser

In Cheap Tricks we’ll help you make the most out of everyday supermarket staples. Next up: Make your own flavored vinegar.

I love vinegar. At minimum, I have a dozen bottles in rotation, from balsamic to coriander-orange to red wine. Just a splash adds pizazz and piquancy. But you don’t need an arsenal of expensive vinegars to cash in on big flavor—you can make your own. With a few ingredients and a little patience, you’re only a couple steps away from custom flavored vinegars.

First, let’s choose a vinegar.

No need to spend an arm and a leg. This is just a canvas for flavor (save that expensive bottle of aged balsamico di Modena for finishing). The base can be as simple as white distilled vinegar, which is clean and bright, an apt pairing for bold additions like hot peppers. Cheap red and white wine vinegars offer a softer flavor profile with a touch of fruit and balanced acidity. These vinegars bring more oomph when coupled with herbs, whole spices, fruits, and other aromatics. Looking for vinegar with more sweetness? Try apple cider, rice wine, or coconut vinegars.

Next, infusion time.

Once you’ve picked your vinegar, now comes the fun part: infusing. You’ll need a clean, dry, sterilized bottle or jar—ideally one that you’ve submerged and boiled in hot water (or one right out of the dishwasher). Amounts will vary based on the infusion you pick—we’ll get into the nitty gritty ratios in a minute—but let’s start with the basic technique. Heat the vinegar until it’s steaming (but not boiling). Fill the jar with your flavorings of choice (more on this below), and top with hot vinegar. Cool completely, seal, then let it infuse. 

The refrigerator is your friend here. The flavorings will take a little longer to infuse in the fridge, but the colder temperature will prevent any funkiness in the bottle. You can start using the flavored vinegar after a few days, but for best results, allow it to sit for a couple weeks. It’ll keep for up to 4–6 months—storing in the fridge prolongs the shelf life. Now that you’ve got the basics down, let’s talk about what you can use to infuse.

Peppers. Different types of hot pepper vinegar are popular around the globe: the American South’s peppa sauce (the key to truly transcendent collard greens), Thai prik nam som, and Brazilian malagueta chiles in vinegar, to name just a few. The heat and fruitiness of fresh peppers, from habaneros and serranos to Fresno peppers and jalapeños, shines with distilled white vinegar. For fresh peppers, a good rule of thumb is a 2:1 ratio of vinegar to peppers (for example, 2 cups vinegar and 1 cup halved sliced peppers). If you’re using dried chilies, go with 10–15 grams per 2 cups vinegar.

Blanch the peppers in boiling water for 5–10 seconds, drain, and dry. Smaller peppers can be used whole, just cut off their stems. For larger peppers, cut them in half or slice them into thick rings before infusing. If you want a milder pepper vinegar, you can use a couple peppers, or, for more fiery condiment, pack the jar full. And don’t forget the resulting pickled peppers can be used along with the vinegar.

Herbs. Herbs are amazing additions to any flavored vinegar. Try sprigs of tarragon, basil, marjoram, rosemary, or thyme. These herby, earthy plants play well with subtle wine vinegars. With softer herbs, like tarragon and basil, you might need more when infusing, whereas the sturdier herbs, like rosemary, give a lot of fragrance with just one or two big sprigs. Wash the herbs before infusing. For tender green herbs, like tarragon, one small bunch will suffice for 2 cups vinegar, but for those heartier choices, a few sprigs will bring a lot of flavor without overwhelming the vinegar.

Spices. While whole spices alone might not make the most dynamic flavored vinegar, they are great for pairing with other ingredients. Juniper berries, black peppercorns, whole fennel seeds, and even dried, food-grade rose petals are just a few supporting spices that add richness and depth. For 2 cups vinegar, use anywhere from 1 tsp. to 1 Tbsp. of whole seeds and arils. For lighter, fluffier items, like rose petals, you can increase that by a couple tablespoons.

Fruit and vegetables. Scope out crisper drawer remnants like celery or fennel fronds. Or, turn to citrus peel, the star of infusions. Thanks to essential oils, it lends zippy zestiness. Using a vegetable peeler, peel the zest from your chosen citrus. Then using a sharp paring knife, carefully cut away and discard the white pith from the strips (we don’t want that bitterness in the vinegar). Meyer lemon, yuzu, calamansi, and any kind of orange shine in this preparation. Like peppers, go with a 2:1 vinegar to fruit or vegetable ratio.

For more delicate fruits, like berries, don’t heat the vinegar. Just wash and dry the fruit, add it to the jar and then top with room-temperature vinegar. Let this one infuse in the fridge for 2–3 weeks, then strain out the fruit before using.

Roots and aromatics. Ingredients like ginger, galangal, lemongrass, and turmeric are high-reward additions, bringing intense aroma. For roots, wash and dry them, then cut into thin slices. With stalks like lemongrass, peel and discard the outer layers, smash the stalk with the back of your knife to release some of those essential oils, then slice. These ingredients add a lot of flavor with just a small amount—we’re talking a few slices of ginger or a stalk or two of lemongrass per 2 cups vinegar—and are great paired with other infusions.

Choose your own vinegar adventure by picking one ingredient, or up to four. Just be careful not to go overboard, which would result in a muddled taste. One of the great things about DIY flavored vinegar is that you can experiment with small batches. Need some inspiration? Here are a few combinations to get you started:

  • Distilled white vinegar + habanero + dried smoked chilies
  • Red wine vinegar + rosemary + orange peel + juniper berries
  • White wine vinegar + tarragon
  • Apple cider vinegar + celery + lemon peel
  • Coconut vinegar + lemongrass + ginger

How to use infused vinegars:

Flavored vinegars are a no-brainer when it comes to dressings, but their uses go beyond the salad bowl. Grab them to wake up pan sauces and marinades, as a condiment for meats, vegetables, and fruits—even a punchy ingredient for drinks. Here are four easy ways to show off your flavored vinegar:

Mignonette sauce: Combine the flavored vinegar of your choice (citrus, herb, and celery vinegars are brilliant here) with minced shallot and a few cracks of black pepper for a simple sauce for oysters and poached seafood.

Shrub-ish bevy: Muddle fruit with a tablespoon or two of flavored vinegar—citrus, herb, and root-infused vinegars complement many fruits—and sugar to taste. Once the sugar is dissolved, add ice and sparkling water. If you want to make it boozy, stir in a shot of your favorite spirit.

Grilled meats: Flavored vinegars are great splashed over roasted meats and barbecue, cutting through their fattiness and tempting you back for another bite. Hot pepper vinegar is a classic pairing for grilled meats in the American South, Brazil, and parts of Southeast Asia.

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