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Asparagus lovers, unite! When thinly sliced into coins and mixed with herbs and briny olives, everyone’s favorite spring veg will become your favorite condiment too.
When it comes to frying fish, a whole fish is a whole lot more forgiving than fillets and easier to cook. And did we mention that crispy, flaky skin?
One of the most comforting ways to eat fish: Gently simmer spiced chunks of white fish in a warm coconut curry until it's fall-apart flaky.
Don't have 60 minutes to roast a root vegetable for this tilapia recipe? Try cooking yams in a microwave for about five minutes on each side and you'll have yams that are soft and ready to mash—fast.
I'll cook this fast, easy and satisfying dish many more times. But I think I'll stick to fish with a little more character.

Chris Hall

Right after Thanksgiving, if you are anything like me, you also won't want to look at another saucepan for an entire year—but alas, some dinners must be sauced. So, you can imagine my sheer delight in discovering this tilapia was a snap! A very tasty snap.

Bridget Moloney

The preparation may look complicated, but it's actually pretty easy—because your guests assemble the tacos themselves.