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Creamy sweetened condensed milk stands in for vanilla ice cream in this icy and refreshing take on the classic soda shop flavor combination.
If you can't handle the heat, don't stay out of the kitchen. Just turn off the oven and make these no-cook recipes.

Andrew Milne

If you have a really ripe, gorgeous watermelon, you may not need any sugar at all.
What says it's finally spring more than crunchy sugar snap peas, bright red radishes, fresh scallions topped on tiny fried toasts, and mint leaves in a sweet granita?

Bon Appétit

Who knew that dessert could be as easy—and refreshing—as combining sugar and water?
A grown-up shaved ice, with a welcome hit of spice from the pepper.
For this granita, sweet honeydew melon is flecked with floral pink peppercorns and mint. Remember: One of the great things about making granita is that no ice cream maker is needed.
If you have a metal baking pan, use it; it will chill the mixture faster than a glass one. And remove the granita from the freezer when you scrape it--too much cold air will escape if you do this while the door's hanging open.