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This psychedelic purple sauce has all the earthiness and tang of sour-cream-topped borscht.
This Polish hunter’s stew features kielbasa, smoky bacon, melty cabbage, and lots of delicious broth that can be sopped up with bread.
To make this vegetarian, omit bacon and add 4 Tbsp. olive oil for browning mushrooms. 
These sweet pierogies help balance out the savory fillings from Kielbasa, Sauerkrat, and Potato Pierogies, Beef, Onion, and Cheddar Pierogies, and Bacon, Mushroom, and Spinach Pierogies, making them perfect for any pierogi party.
Why choose between boiled or fried? The key to these pierogies is doing both. 
This rich and cheesy broth is satisfying on its own, but goes main course with the addition of seared kielbasa sausage. Recipe by Chris Shepherd, Underbelly, Houston