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Home | Experiences | Arts & Culture | The Roman Baths

The Roman Baths


Arts & Culture Experience

Situated in the heart of Bath, The Roman Baths is one of the finest historic sites in Northern Europe. It is a stunning building which transports you back in time. The main feature of the Roman Baths is the Great Bath. Typically, there would be a number of smaller pools which visitors would move between before ending in a cold plunge. The site in Bath also has a unique large pool filled with hot spa water which was used for bathing. There are steps around each side and spaces for visiting Romans to sit and enjoy drinks and snacks. This building is one of the largest a Roman would have seen with a 20-metre high ceiling above them.

During your exploration of the site you will see the Sacred Spring where naturally hot water, at a temperature of 46 °C, has been rising for over a thousand years. Walk the terrace overlooking the great bath, find the gilt bronze head of the goddess Sulis Minerva and see how the Romans spent their time here with projection displays.

The museum display contains a collection of artefacts found on this site which helps tell the story of the people who lived and worked here. View some of the private alters used by guests to worship Sulis Minerva and her importance here. You also have the chance to try the famous spa waters. Containing 43 minerals it is certainly an acquired taste. The waters had a popular use in treating ailments and the Romans would bathe in their warmth. From the late 17th century, drinking the spa water became popular. Since then, this has now gone out of fashion and today they use the hot water to heat the Roman Baths and Pump Room.

Younger children will enjoy following Hoot the Owl on the activity trails, and those of a slightly older age can use the free audio guide specifically designed from them, read by Michael Rosen, Children’s Laureate 2007 – 2009. A variety of educational events also take place at The Roman Baths. The Pump Room Restaurant is open daily with live music by the Pump Room Trio or resident pianist. You can visit for breakfast, brunch, lunch, or a decadent afternoon tea.

To note: Pushchairs are not permitted around the site. Dedicated tour sessions are available for those with additional access needs. Visitors can also use the British Sign Language or fully descriptive audio tour and tactile models.

During your visit, try the hot spa water at the fountain, situated in the Pump Room Restuarant. It contains 43 minerals, has an unusual taste, and was used for curative purposes for two thousand years.

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