Table 4

Patients with adverse events in the trials on rivastigmine and galantamine (actual data because testing for significance is not appropriate for rare effects because of insufficient power)

No of patients% of patients with adverse events on cholinesterase inhibitor (placebo) colsep=“0”
StudyDoseCholinesterase-inhibitorPlaceboDiarrhoeaNauseaVomitingWeight loss or anorexiaDizzinessOther adverse events colsep=“0”
Rivastigmine colsep=“0”
Agid 1998174 mg1361337 (2)*17 (6)*10 (3)*6 (7)— colsep=“0”
6 mg13312 (2)*31 (6)*18 (3)*20 (7)*— colsep=“0”
Corey-Bloom 1998181-4 mg2332358 (3)*5 (2)*8 (4)Dyspepsia: 6 (1)* Sinusitis: 1 (1) colsep=“0”
6-12 mg23120 (3)*16 (2)*14 (4)*Dyspepsia: 5 (1)* Sinusitis: 4 (1)* colsep=“0”
Forette 1999196-12 mg twice daily452458 (8)*38 (4)*18 (0)*27 (0)*Headache: 16 (4) colsep=“0”
6-12 mg thrice daily4558 (8)*31 (4)*16 (0)*9 (0)Headache: 20 (4)* colsep=“0”
Rösler 1999201-4 mg24323910 (9)17 (10)*8 (6)3 (2)10 (7)Headache: 7 (8) colsep=“0”
6-12 mg24317 (9)*50 (10)*34 (6)*14 (2)*20 (7)*Headache: 19 (8)* colsep=“0”
Potkin 2001213-9 mg207— colsep=“0”
Galantamine colsep=“0”
Raskind 20002224 mg21221312 (10)37 (13)*21 (8)*12 (5)*14 (11)— colsep=“0”
32 mg21119 (10)*44 (13)*26 (8)*11 (5)*19 (11)*— colsep=“0”
Rockwood 20012324-32 mg26112532 (11)*15 (4)*12 (2)*15 (4)*Agitation: 6 (1)* Somnolence: 8 (1)* colsep=“0”
Tariot 2000248 mg1402865 (6)6 (5)4 (1)6 (3)— colsep=“0”
16 mg27912 (6)*13 (5)*6 (1)*7 (3)— colsep=“0”
24 mg2736 (6)17 (5)*10 (1)*9 (3)*— colsep=“0”
Wilcock 20002524 mg2202157 (7)37 (12)*20 (4)*8 (1)*11 (5)*Anorexia: 10 (0)* colsep=“0”
32 mg21813.(7)*40 (12)*17 (4)*5 (1)*12 (5)*Anorexia: 11 (0)* colsep=“0”
Wilkinson 20012618 mg88872 (2)17 (3)*17 (5)*5 (3)Headache: 6 (5) colsep=“0”
24 mg565 (2)18 (3)*7 (5)4 (3)Headache: 11 (5)
36 mg544 (2)37 (3)*17 (5)*7 (3)Headache: 15 (5)*
  • —=Not reported.

  • *Differences reach significance (P<0.05).

  • † Data shown represent the maintenance phase of the trial (week 8-26).