Table 1

Bivariable comparisons of patient, provider, and visit characteristics by indication type. Values are percentages (95% CI) unless stated otherwise

CharacteristicsOverallIndication typeP value*
AppropriateInappropriateNo indication
Overall proportion -57 (52 to 62)25 (21 to 29)18 (15 to 22) -
 Male61 (56 to 66)54 (48 to 60)29 (24 to 34)17 (12 to 22)
 Female39 (34 to 44)59 (52 to 65)23 (18 to 27)19 (15 to 23)
Age, years:<0.001
 <1821 (16 to 27)78 (72 to 84)13 (7 to 19)8 (5 to 11)
 18-6456 (50 to 63)56 (48 to 63)24 (19 to 29)20 (15 to 25)
 ≥6522 (19 to 26)40 (32 to 47)38 (31 to 45)22 (16 to 28)
 Non-Hispanic white58 (51 to 66)56 (51 to 62)25 (21 to 29)18 (14 to 23)
 Non-Hispanic black15 (11 to 18)50 (41 to 59)26 (18 to 33)24 (17 to 31)
 Hispanic19 (14 to 24)59 (50 to 68)27 (18 to 36)14 (8 to 19)
 Other non-Hispanic8 (2 to 14)67 (40 to 93)17 (2 to 33)16 (2 to 31)
Payment type:0.26
 Private insurance49 (43 to 54)62 (56 to 68)22 (18 to 27)16 (12 to 20)
 Medicare/Medicaid39 (34 to 45)48 (43 to 54)30 (26 to 35)21 (17 to 26)
 Self pay5 (1 to 8)74 (49 to 99)15 (0 to 30)11 (0 to 24)
 Other/missing7 (1 to 14)60 (41 to 78)20 (10 to 30)20 (10 to 31)
Chronic disease:0.005
 Yes56 (50 to 62)50 (43 to 56)29 (24 to 34)22 (17 to 27)
 No44 (38 to 50)66 (61 to 71)20 (16 to 24)14 (10 to 17)
Geographic region:0.92
 West21 (15 to 27)63 (49 to 77)18 (11 to 26)19 (11 to 26)
 Midwest17 (13 to 22)56 (47 to 65)22 (17 to 26)17 (13 to 20)
 North east24 (17 to 31)48 (41 to 56)34 (27 to 42)17 (11 to 23)
 South38 (30 to 47)59 (51 to 68)22 (17 to 26)19 (12 to 26)
Specialty category:<0.001
 Primary care60 (52 to 68)69 (64 to 75)18 (14 to 23)12 (9 to 16)
 Common antibiotic. prescribers14 (10 to 18)43 (38 to 49)32 (28 to 36)24 (18 to 31)
 All other specialties25 (19 to 32)35 (18 to 52)36 (24 to 48)29 (18 to 39)
Ownership type:0.092
 Physician or physician group77 (69 to 84)54 (48 to 61)27 (22 to 31)19 (15 to 24)
 Medical/academic center7 (3 to 11)62 (46 to 77)18 (7 to 28)21 (13 to 28)
 Insurance company/HMO/other16 (10 to 23)67 (59 to 75)21 (12 to 30)12 (7 to 17)
Primary care physician:0.004
 Yes52 (44 to 59)70 (64 to 76)17 (13 to 20)14 (10 to 17)
 No47 (39 to 54)42 (34 to 51)34 (28 to 41)23 (17 to 29)
Median time with provider, min:0.023
 <1748 (42 to 54)65 (59 to 72)20 (16 to 24)15 (11 to 19)
 ≥1752 (46 to 58)49 (43 to 55)30 (24 to 35)21 (17 to 26)
Culture taken:<0.001
 Yes11 (6 to 16)71 (60 to 82)24 (12 to 37)5 (1 to 9)
 No89 (84 to 94)55 (49 to 61)25 (21 to 29)20 (16 to 24)
Antibiotic class:<0.001
 Cephalosporins12 (9 to 14)64 (53 to 75)16 (10 to 23)20 (12 to 27)
 Macrolides18 (12 to 23)67 (57 to 78)19 (11 to 26)14 (7 to 21)
 Miscellaneous9 (7 to 11)44 (35 to 54)32 (22 to 43)23 (16 to 31)
 Penicillins23 (19 to 26)72 (64 to 79)18 (12 to 23)11 (7 to 15)
 Quinolones20 (16 to 24)42 (32 to 52)38 (29 to 47)20 (13 to 28)
 Sulfonamides2 (0 to 3)32 (3 to 61)16 (1 to 31)52 (17 to 87)
 Tetracyclines7 (6 to 9)51 (41 to 62)30 (21 to 39)18 (10 to 26)
 Urinary anti-infectives4 (2 to 6)33 (21 to 45)33 (18 to 48)34 (21 to 47)
 Other5 (4 to 8)55 (44 to 67)25 (15 to 34)20 (9 to 31)
Main reason for visit:<0.001
 New problem54 (49 to 59)71 (65 to 77)20 (16 to 24)9 (12 to 27)
 Chronic problem, routine19 (15 to 22)45 (33 to 57)29 (21 to 37)26 (16 to 36)
 Chronic problem, flare-up7 (4 to 10)50 (35 to 65)32 (23 to 42)18 (7 to 29)
 Pre-surgery2 (1 to 3)3 (0 to 5)68 (53 to 84)29 (14 to 44)
 Post-surgery8 (4 to 12)43 (30 to 56)37 (23 to 50)21 (9 to 32)
 Preventive care10 (7 to 12)31 (19 to 43)21 (13 to 29)49 (37 to 60)

HMO=health maintenance organization.

  • * Rao-Scott χ2 P value for any (appropriate or inappropriate) versus no indication.

  • Includes gynecologists, dermatologists, urologists, and otolaryngologists.

  • Includes carbapenems, leprostatics, aminoglycosides, lincomycin derivatives, glycylcyclines, and glycopeptide antibiotics.