Table 6

Treatment comparisons and changes between baseline and treatment endpoint for secondary outcomes

Secondary outcomeChanges between baseline and endpoint* Treatment comparisons†
Sildenafil prnTadalafil OaDTadalafil prnTadalafil OaD–sildenafil prn Tadalafil OaD–tadalafil prnTadalafil prn–sildenafil prn
SEAR scale25.40 (1.36)25.56 (1.36)26.92 (1.35)0.23 (1.11) −1.47 (1.11)1.71 (1.10)
n=347n=348n=355[–1.95 to 2.42; P=0.834][−3.65 to 0.70; P=0.185][−0.46 to 3.87; P=0.123]
Sexual relationship19.50 (1.31)19.40 (1.31)20.42 (1.30)–0.07 (1.07)−1.12 (1.06)1.06 (1.06)
n=347n=349n=355[−2.17 to 2.04; P=0.951][−3.22 to 0.97; P=0.291][−1.03 to 3.15; P=0.320]
Confidence total22.87 (1.29)22.94 (1.29)24.13 (1.29)0.11 (1.050)−1.30 (1.040)1.42 (1.04)
n=347n=348n=355[−1.95 to 2.17; P=0.915][−3.35 to 0.74; P=0.212][−0.63 to 3.46; P=0.174]
IIEF-EF domain score9.70 (0.36)8.68 (0.36)9.54 (0.36)−0.85 (0.30) −0.80 (0.29) −0.05 (0.29)
n=348n=350n=355[−1.43 to −0.27; P=0.004][−1.37 to −0.22; P=0.007][−0.62 to 0.53; P=0.866]
EDITS score75.68 (1.32)75.81 (1.31)79.50 (1.31)0.12 (1.28) −3.55 (1.27) 3.66 (1.27)
n=348n=351n=355[−2.40 to 2.64; P=0.926][−6.05 to −1.04; P=0.006][1.16 to 6.17; P=0.004]
Morning erection frequency0.11 (0.02)0.26 (0.02)0.20 (0.02)0.15 (0.01) 0.06 (0.01) 0.09 (0.01)
n=347n=352n=355[0.12 to 0.18; P<0.001][0.03 to 0.09; P<0.001][0.06 to 0.12; P<0.001]

EDITS=Erectile Dysfunction Inventory of Treatment Satisfaction; IIEF-EF=International Index of Erectile Function-Erectile Function Domain; prn=as required; OaD=once a day; SEAR=Self-Esteem and Relationship.

  • * Mean (standard error).

  • Least square mean difference (standard error) [95% confidence interval; P value].