Jobs in Norfolk

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Courses you may be interested in

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    • University of Manchester

    In 2022, there were an estimated 20 million new cancer cases worldwide. There is a global need to better understand the underlying biology of

  • Copy of Graf Ultrasound Course Diagnosis and Management of Dysplasia of the Infant Hip

    • Doctors Academy
    • United Kingdom, Scotland

    This well-established and hugely popular course, previously run in Dorchester for 25 years as the West Dorset Hip Course, is led by Professor Reinhard Graf, Professor of Orthopa...


    • Doctors Academy
    • United Kingdom

    This online resource is intended to prepare candidates appearing for the Intercollegiate MRCS OSCE. Designed and developed by Professor Stuart Enoch, Convenor and Chairman of Fa...

  • Healthcare Ethics and Law Online

    • University of Manchester

    Whether you are a healthcare professional, work in law and regulation or are a graduate with an interest in healthcare ethics and law, The University of Manchester offers a rang...


    • Doctors Academy
    • United Kingdom

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