The Frictionless Experience: The podcast where we slay friction one episode at a time  Listen to the podcast

Last year, we helped leading online & omnichannel brands uncover an unbelievable $2.7 Billion in conversion improvement opportunities.

Aloft hotels
La quinta
Courtyard hotels
Ballard designs
Garnet hill
Kate spade
Living spaces
Kaiser Permanente 2008
Radisson hotels
Hawthorn suits
Residence inn
St regis
Urban outfitters
Diamonds direct
Walgreens boots alliance
Home depot

Any roadblock or detour on your customer’s web journey kills conversions. Use Blue Triangle to ID and prioritize solutions.

Go from Guessing to KNOWING

Every friction point kills your conversions. But some friction points cost you more. Find out which.

Blue Triangle's revenue-loss dashboard uniquely calculates the real business impact of friction-generating problems on your website or app (slow pages, errors, bad links, out-of-stock items, etc.) with customer journey analytics to take the guesswork out of optimizations.

So you'll know the dollar value of every friction point and how much you'll recapture by resolving friction to maximize conversions.

Go from Guessing to KNOWING

Go Beyond Alerts to INSIGHTS

Get a pulse on every factor impacting customer experiences with a unified customizable dashboard.

Every friction point is not the same. Nor is every conversion rate or revenue improvement opportunity.

By tracking technical, security, business, and marketing KPIs in a single platform, Blue Triangle unites all teams to deliver frictionless digital experiences. 

Digital experience monitoring is just the start. Imagine the power of business intelligence to tell you:

Only by quantifying friction can you resolve issues before it impacts your search traffic, paid media efficiency, and conversion rates. 

Go Beyond Alerts to INSIGHTS

Evolve from Finger Pointing to PINPOINTING

Identify the cause of website and app friction to make fixes, faster.

Are you fixing the right problems at the right time? Resolving issues that don't generate more revenue wastes time and resources.

But whose fault is it? Truth is nobody owns resolving friction. Everybody does. And any team can unknowingly add friction to the customer journey.

Working in silos with disparate tools provides only partial insights and cannot map friction to revenue loss. Blue Triangle works with your existing tools to uncover hidden, revenue-robbing friction. With customer journey analytics, you can:

Evolve Finger Pointing to PINPOINTING

Replace Hunches With PROOF

Validate the ROI and business impact of your digital experience optimizations.

Any observability, session replay, or marketing analytics solution can tell you if your technical issues have been resolved. But has the customer experience improved? Did it result in more conversions?

Only Blue Triangle validates that your remediation efforts achieved or exceeded the expected outcomes because only Blue Triangle starts by quantifying your revenue opportunity and ends by proving ROI

How much ROI? Our clients average a 13.4x ROI boost from resolving friction Blue Triangle revealed.

Replace Hunches with PROOF

See How Your Website Measures Up

Does your website fare well against the speed and performance of your peers? Dare to compare with our industry benchmarks powered by synthetic monitoring.

What is customer journey friction stealing from you?

Revenue-robbing friction doesn't just cost you. It funds your competitors. How much are you losing?

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