HR 621 is Dead: Liberals and Conservatives Unite to Save Public Lands

Last month, Congressman Jason Chaffetz (R-UT) introduced a bill —H.R. 621—that proposed the sell-off of 3.3 million acres of public lands. In the bill, many federal lands, including national forests, would be transferred to state or private interests.

Outdoor enthusiasts from around the country rallied together against the bill. Hunters and sportsmen joined forces with dirtbag climbers in a united front opposing the sale of taxpayer-supported public lands.

Last week, Chaffetz announced that public opposition had convinced him to withdraw H.R. 621.

The Outdoor Alliance credited the collaboration between all groups in the outdoor community. While sometimes there is a divide between those who carry backpacks and those who carry guns, outdoor enthusiasts stood together to defeat HR 621.

“Outdoor recreation advocates, sportsmen and outdoor businesses were vocal in their opposition to these bills,” said the Outdoor Alliance in a statement. “This unusually intense outpouring of support for public lands had a real impact.”

Read more here.


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