ADHD Drugs Are Convenient To Get Online. Maybe Too Convenient

Backed by SoftBank and promoted by Simone Biles, Cerebral has built the fastest-growing online mental health business. Former employees say the rapid expansion comes at the expense of patient care.

Photo illustration: 731; Cerebral TikTok (21)

For three days in July, Jeneesa Barnes was haunted by voices. It was as if people were just out of sight discussing her flaws, picking her apart, even when she was home alone. The morning of the third day she retreated to her car, thinking she might feel safer in a small, enclosed space. But the voices remained. Something was going horribly wrong. She turned on some foreign-language pop music, trying to drown out the voices amid lyrics she couldn’t understand. She started driving.

At some point she stopped and texted: “I definitely feel like my mental health is getting worse not better since I’ve started cerebral.”