
Seal spotted in Preston Docks

Posted on - 4th July, 2024 - 6:57pm | Author - | Posted in - Ashton-on-Ribble, Preston Docks, Preston News, Riversway
The seal in the Docks Pic: Mark McLoughlin

Walkers out for a late afternoon stroll on Thursday saw an unusual sight in the city’s Docks.

A seal had made its way up the River Ribble and was enjoying a swim around Preston Docks basin.

Mark McLoughlin, who is usually to be found snapping festivals and other events in the city, snapped the pictures.

Read more: Seal pup rescued from farmer’s field in Walton-le-Dale

He told Blog Preston: “Not my usual quality of work, but a seal in Preston Docks – near to the lock gates.”

Mark said the Marina were aware of the seal and are preparing to open the lock gates during Friday to let it back out to sea.

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