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Did you go straight into your Apprenticeship from school, if no what did you do previous to this role?

After school, I went to college to study agriculture for a year before coming here.

What made you apply for an apprenticeship?

I enjoyed college but I am much more of a practical person so this was just a much better fit.

Why did you choose Blenheim Estate and what attracted you to our apprenticeship scheme?

I saw the apprenticeship and have always wanted to work on a farm but never in a million years did I think it would be at Blenheim Palace. The surroundings are amazing.

What are your key roles/ responsibilities?

Looking after the sheep, training my excitable puppy, Buddy, and we are about to go into lambing season, which will be busy.

What do you like best about the job?

I love the lambing side of it, I am really excited for the season to start. I also like the shearing but I am not sure I am cut out for it!

How are you finding the apprenticeship and how is it helping you progress?

I am absolutely loving it so far, the guys are really nice and I am learning so much all the time.

What do you hope to gain and once your apprenticeship has finished?

It is an 18-month apprenticeship, at the end of that, I would like to think Buddy will be trained and I can go on to become a shepherdess.

Ellie Young

Blenheim Estate

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