Backyard Wildlife

8 Surprising Snail Facts You Should Know

Learn about snails with a roundup of snail facts. Discover what snails eat, when they get shells, how long they sleep and how fast they move.

How to Deter Groundhogs (and Keep Them Out of Your Garden)

Groundhogs can be destructive garden pests that devour your plants. Follow expert advice to learn how to get rid of...

4 Ways to Raccoon-Proof Your Bird Feeder

Are raccoons raiding your backyard bird seed offerings? Get expert tips on how to raccoon-proof a bird feeder and keep...

14 Funny Pictures of Chipmunks You Won’t Want to Miss

Chipmunks can be friend or foe in the garden — but sometimes, they're just funny! You'll laugh at these reader-submitted...

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Critters on Camera Video Contest Winners

There's so much to see in your own backyard. Three readers captured fantastic wildlife videos and won our Critters on...

How to Recycle Pumpkins for Birds and Wildlife

Don't toss pumpkins after Halloween. Follow these tips for recycling pumpkins for wildlife, including birds, butterflies, deer and squirrels.

Tips for Deer Resistant Plants and Deer Deterrents

Deer may be adorable, but they can seriously damage your garden. Follow this advice to deter deer. Plus, find deer-resistant...

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15 Funny Squirrel Pictures You Need to See

Squirrels can be a pain, but they're also darn cute, too. Check out these funny squirrel pictures and enjoy their...

Protect the Nest: Do Snakes Eat Birds and Eggs?

If you attract nesting birds, you may worry that snakes eat birds and eggs. Learn how to lower the risk....

Enjoy the Backyard Benefits of a Moon Garden

Grow night-blooming flowers for beauty after dark. Plus learn why a moon garden is so beneficial for pollinators such as...

5 Deer-Resistant Bulbs for Spring Blooms

Did hungry deer eat all of your tulips again? Plant these types of deer-resistant spring bulbs in your flower garden...

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See the Winners of the 2022 Backyard Video Contest

There's so much activity to see right in the backyard. Check out the fantastic winners of our 2022 Backyard Video...

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The Best Squirrel-Proof Bird Feeders and 12 Tips That Work

Let's be honest: there's no such thing as completely squirrel-proof bird feeders. But you can cut down on squirrels' visits...

How to Keep Squirrels From Digging Up Flower Pots and Bulbs

Squirrels can do damage in the garden. Get expert advice to keep squirrels out of flower pots and stop them...

5 Types of Squirrels and How to Tell Them Apart

Look for these clues to tell different types of squirrels apart, and learn more about squirrels' quirky habits and where...

Expert Garden Advice on Rabbit Resistant Flowers

Bunnies eating all of your blooms? Here's an expert's advice for the best rabbit resistant flowers and rabbit repellents.

Create the Ultimate Backyard Wildlife and Bird Habitat

Building a good backyard bird habitat doesn't have to be expensive or time-consuming. Here are tips to help create an...

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8 Nutty and Fun Facts About Squirrels

Learn about the bushy-tailed critters in your backyard. These fun facts about squirrels will make you love these furry animals...

Winter Wildlife: Animals That Hibernate in Your Yard

Learn about animals that hibernate in your backyard and their winter habits. Find out how raccoons, chipmunks, groundhogs, bats, frogs...

Why Garden Toads are Valuable in the Backyard

Learn more about garden toads, what toads eat, how to attract them, and why these amphibians are beneficial backyard guests.

9 Features to Look for in a Bat House

It’s easier and more beneficial to host bats in the backyard than you may think. Just look for these attributes...

What to Feed Squirrels (and How to Peacefully Co-Exist)

Learn what to feed squirrels, along with seven helpful tips to help you live in harmony with these furry backyard...

Top 5 Benefits of Bats

These are my top 5 benefits of bats just in time for Halloween.