Birding Basics

Thinking of taking up birding as a hobby? These birding basics and tips on birding for beginners will get you started.

Western Birds and Their Eastern Counterparts

Many western birds look somewhat familiar to eastern birders. Take a look at some common western birds and their eastern cousins.

Brown Thrasher: An Elusive, Musical Songbird

The brown thrasher is an excellent mimic and sings more than 1,000 tunes. Learn how to spot these secretive songbirds.

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Hummingbird Food: Sugar Water for Hummingbirds 101

Learn how to make sugar water for hummingbirds. Get the hummingbird sugar water recipe and ratio to make your own...

Birds That Sing at Night: A Little Night Music

We all hear birds that sing during the day, but what about birds that sing at night? Here's why some...

Bird Molting: Why Birds Molt and How to Spot It

Feather refresh in progress! Learn about bird molting and why the color change is more obvious on some molting birds...

How to Identify a Little Blue Heron

Learn what a little blue heron looks like, sounds like and where to spot one. Also find out what these...

Is This White Bird an Albino Crow?

A white-feathered bird stands out from its flock—but is it an albino crow? Learn about what causes variations in a...

Boost Your Mental Health With Bird-watching

Learn about the science behind why observing backyard birds can both support your mental health and create a needed reset...

16 Fascinating Facts About Bird Sounds

Whether it's a chirp, a trill or a song, it's quite the thrill to hear the amazing sounds birds make....

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Help a Stunned Bird That Flew Into a Window

If you find a bird that flew into a window, it's important to know how to help the stunned bird...

7 Fascinating Wild Turkey Bird Facts You Should Know

Gobble up interesting tidbits about the wild turkey bird, including how fast wild turkeys can fly and if turkeys hold...

Cooperative Behavior: How Birds Help Each Other

Some types of birds work as a team for survival, nest building, and feeding. Learn more about cooperative bird behavior.

All About Bird Songs: Nature’s Symphony

Learn the difference between bird songs and calls, and find out how birds learn to sing their distinctive, notable sounds.

Why Is a Bird Pecking at My Window and Car Mirror?

Experts explain why a bird is pecking at its reflection in a window or mirror and how you can stop...

Fancy Footwork: All About Bird Feet

Birds can fly, but they also perch, run, swim and more. Walk this way and learn why bird feet and...

What Does a Cardinal Song Sound Like?

Northern cardinals are one of the few birds with male and female singers. Learn what a cardinal song sounds like...

Why Are My Backyard Birds Fighting?

Are your backyard birds squabbling over seed? Learn why birds face off at your feeders—and how to promote peace in...

Bird Lifespan: How Long Do Wild Birds Live?

From those in captivity to the feathered friends at your feeders, learn how long birds live, and what factors affect...

How Do Woodpeckers Use Their Tongues and Beaks?

Learn all about a woodpecker uses its tongue and the beak to capture insects. Also find out how a woodpecker...

Ask the Experts: Hummingbird Behavior Explained

Birding experts answer some of the most commonly asked questions about fascinating hummingbird behavior that you might see in your...

How to (Safely) Deter Nuisance Birds From Perching

Birds can make a mess if they perch in undesirable places. Get expert tips to deter birds from perching and...

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Hummingbird Sounds: Do Hummingbirds Sing?

Listen carefully to hear calls or singing the next time you see a hummingbird. Learn all about the variety of...

How Do Birds Stay Warm in the Winter?

Birds can handle more extreme temperatures than you might imagine. Discover the unique ways that birds stay warm on the...

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11 Fascinating Northern Cardinal Bird Facts

Meet the recognizable and beloved northern cardinal. Get cardinal bird facts, including why male cardinals are red, and where cardinals...

Irruptions: A Sudden Surge of New Birds in Town

Irruptions bring surprise visitors from the far north to your feeders—an opportunity to witness one of birding’s great mysteries. Here...

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How You Can Help Birds in Cold Winter Weather

Don't worry about your backyard birds during frigid winter weather. Learn how to help them by providing food, water and...

More Than 70 Bird Names Are Changing — Here’s Why

Learn more about the committee in charge of naming and organizing birds and find out why dozens of species will...

Do Hawk Sightings Have Special Meaning?

If you see a hawk soaring in the sky, what does it mean? Throughout time, some people have thought hawk...

Updated Winter Finch Forecast for 2023-24

A biologist reveals his winter finch forecast using wild food crop data. Find out what birds you can expect to...

Where Do Woodpeckers Migrate in Winter?

Some woodpeckers stay in the same place year-round, but in other instances, woodpeckers do head south for winter.  Find out...

Quiz: How Many Shorebirds Can You Identify?

How many shorebirds can you name? Put your shorebird identification skills to the test with this fun photo quiz.