
With bird calls that range from sweet-sounding to demanding, there are many types of songbirds in North America. From the common American robin to the brightly-colored blue jay, learn about their habitats and hear their bird songs.

How to Identify an Eastern Bluebird

Learn what an eastern bluebird looks like and sounds like, what this bird eats, and where you can find one.

How to Identify an Eastern Kingbird

Learn what an eastern kingbird looks like and where to spot one. Plus, discover how they boldly battle larger birds...

Brown Thrasher: An Elusive, Musical Songbird

The brown thrasher is an excellent mimic and sings more than 1,000 tunes. Learn how to spot these secretive songbirds.

Meet the Gorgeous Green Jay, a Tropical Bird

Learn where you can see a green jay, plus what the birds look like, what they eat, and more about...

Look for a Verdin Bird in the Southwest

Find and attract a verdin in southwestern scrublands. Plus, learn about verdin nests, see what verdins look like, and...

How to Identify and Attract a Mountain Chickadee

Learn what a mountain chickadee looks like and sounds like, where to find one, and how to attract one to...

Identify and Attract a Red-Breasted Nuthatch

Invite the nimble red-breasted nuthatch to your feeders with sunflower seeds and suet. These active birds are entertaining to watch.

How to Identify an Eastern Phoebe

Learn what an eastern phoebe looks like and what its song sounds like. Find out what these birds eat and...

Loggerhead Shrike: A Songbird That Thinks It’s a Raptor

The loggerhead shrike is a cardinal-size songbird, native to North America, that acts more like a bird of prey. Learn...

Western Meadowlark: Songbird of the Vast Grasslands

Learn what a western meadowlark looks like and sounds like and where birders can find this large, colorful songbird.

How to Identify a Wood Thrush

Learn where to spot a wood thrush. These shy brown birds have a captivating song and hunt for insects on...

American Crow: Everything You Should Know

American crow, we love you so! Learn important facts about crows, including where they live, what they eat, and what...

Tale of Two Kinglets: Golden-crowned and Ruby-crowned Kinglet

Summer residents of boreal and more temperate montane forests, the ruby-crowned kinglet and golden-crowned kinglet share many similarities.

How to Identify a Western Bluebird

Learn the field marks that distinguish a male and female western bluebird. Beckon them to your yard with nest boxes...

Meet the Varied Thrush: Voice of the Northwest

Learn everything you need to know about the colorful varied thrush, a bird known for its dramatic beauty and haunting...

What Foods Do Northern Mockingbirds Eat?

Do northern mockingbirds visit bird feeders? Find out what foods mockingbirds eat and how to attract them to your backyard.

How to Identify and Attract a Bushtit Bird

A bushtit is a tiny gray bird with a long tail. Find out where to look for flocks of tiny,...

How to Identify and Attract a Carolina Chickadee

Attract a Carolina chickadee with birdseed and nest boxes. Learn to tell the difference between a Carolina chickadee vs a...

How to Identify a White-Breasted Nuthatch

The white-breasted nuthatch is adept at clambering up, down or around tree trunks. Learn what they look like and what...

Steller’s Jays: Clever Black and Blue Birds

Discover what makes the Steller's jay so special, including its social nature, clever tricks, and striking black and blue feathers.

How to Identify and Attract a Brown Creeper

A brown creeper is a camouflage expert—it moves up tree trunks hunting for insects. Learn how to identify these tough-to-spot...

How to Attract and Identify a Clark’s Nutcracker

Meet the Clark's nutcracker. Plus, learn how the birds' food-caching ways help forests, what they sound like and when they...

How to Identify a Northern Mockingbird

See what a northern mockingbird looks like and where to find them. Plus hear a mockingbird call and learn how...

The Flycatcher Birds: Midair Masters

Meet the birds named for their ability to catch insects on the fly. Keep your eyes peeled for the fabulous...

How to Identify and Attract a Gray Catbird

Listen for the "mewing" call of a gray catbird in summer. These birds love to eat fruit, prefer dense thickets,...

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Meet the Thrush Bird Family: Sweet Songbirds

From robins to bluebirds, these shy singers come in several sizes and colors. Know which is which when a thrush...

How to Identify a Red-Eyed Vireo

See red-eyed vireo pictures, and find out how to identify their songs and nests. Plus learn about their range and...

Meet the Adorable Titmouse Bird Tribe

Learn about the super cute titmouse bird family. Discover the five titmouse species that birders can see across the United...

Get to Know the Super Smart Corvid Bird Family

Birds in the corvid family are bold, beautiful and brainy. From jays to ravens, find out where these birds live—and...

Black-billed Magpie: A Perfect Combo of Brains and Beauty

Often viewed as an entertaining clown or mischievous rascal, the black-billed magpie never lacks in personality — and ingenuity.

Meet the Fish Crow: The American Crow’s Coastal Cousin

Learn what fish crows eat, where they live and how to tell the difference between a fish crow and an...