Cardinals, Finches and Buntings

From colorful cardinals to finches, grosbeaks and buntings, these backyard birds can be seen across North America. Learn how to attract them.

Identify and Attract a Rose-Breasted Grosbeak

Learn what a male, female and juvenile rose breasted grosbeak looks like, what their song sounds like, what they eat and how to attract them.

How to Identify an Evening Grosbeak

Set out a tray feeder filled with sunflower seeds to attract an evening grosbeak. In winter, these yellow grosbeaks wander...

How to Identify a Lazuli Bunting

Get to know the lazuli bunting and where to find this bird. Learn what males and females look like and...

Identify and Attract a Common Redpoll

The resilient common redpoll brings lively cheer to cool-weather feeders. This small bird can handle the coldest temperatures in winter.

How to Identify an Indigo Bunting

Learn what an indigo bunting looks like and sounds like. Plus, see the range map to help find you find...

How to Identify a Black-Headed Grosbeak

Serve the right kind of food if you want to attract a black-headed grosbeak. Learn what these birds look like...

How to Identify a Painted Bunting

A painted bunting sports a rainbow of colors. Learn what males and females look like, what they eat, and what...

What Does a Cardinal Song Sound Like?

Northern cardinals are one of the few birds with male and female singers. Learn what a cardinal song sounds like...

Head West to Spot a Spotted Towhee

The spotted towhee was once called the rufous-sided towhee. Hear their song, learn what they eat and see what males...

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11 Fascinating Northern Cardinal Bird Facts

Meet the recognizable and beloved northern cardinal. Get cardinal bird facts, including why male cardinals are red, and where cardinals...

Common Redpoll vs House Finch: ID Challenge

These red-crowned finches can be difficult to tell apart. Learn key traits to spot the differences between a common redpoll...

5 Types of Grosbeak Birds You Should Know

Five birds share the name grosbeak and sport thick bills—but the similarities stop there. Look for these colorful fliers throughout...

Blue Grosbeak vs Indigo Bunting: How to Tell Them Apart

Spotted a blue bird that you can't identify? Here's how to ace a common birding test: blue grosbeak vs indigo...

The Most Common (and Colorful) Finch Birds You Might See

These popular red and yellow birds in the finch family are backyard favorites for bird-watchers in spring and summer.

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Meet the 3 Types of Cardinals in North America

Did you know—North American birders can see multiple types of cardinals! But you'll have to travel to check these birds...

House Finch vs Purple Finch: How to Tell the Difference

It can be tricky to ID a house finch vs purple finch — here are the field marks and differences...

Look Up High to Spot Stunning Scarlet Tanagers

Birders may spot scarlet tanagers high in forest canopies across the eastern states. During summer, males are red and black...

How to Attract and Identify a Purple Finch

Attracting a purple finch is easy with the right food, but identifying one can be tricky! Here's how to spot...

6 Beautiful Bunting Bird Species You Should Know

Colorful bunting bird species stand out in a crowd. Learn where to find 6 types of buntings and the field...

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American Goldfinch: The Golden Bird

The American goldfinch is one of the last songbirds to breed each summer. Look for these bright, thistle-loving beauties in...

The Lesser Goldfinch is No Less Amazing

Why is the lesser goldfinch "lesser?" We have the answer, and we have tips for attracting these bright birds to...

Meet the Towhee Birds Scratching up a Storm

Look down! That noise under your shrubs is a shy, ground-feeding towhee in search of its next meal.

Meet the Rosy Finch (and Learn the Best Place to See One)

To spot a rosy finch, birders should visit the western mountains. Learn about the best place to find the three...

How to Attract and Identify a Pine Siskin

When pine siskins visit, expect a flock. These feisty finches love thistle seeds. Learn what a pine siskin looks like...

7 Types of Finches to Look for in Winter

Flying where the food supply takes them, these colorful types of finches are a backyard treat. Look for these finch...

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Pine Siskin vs Goldfinch: How to Tell the Difference

Pine siskins are small birds in the finch family that look like sparrows. Learn how to tell the difference between...

Look Down Low to Spot an Eastern Towhee

When you’re watching for this songbird, look out below. The Eastern towhee spends most of its time on the ground,...

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Do Northern Cardinals Mate for Life?

We asked our birding experts: Do northern cardinals mate for life? Find out how long cardinals live and stay with...

Meet the Humble (but Adorable) House Finch

Learn how to identify and attract a house finch. Find out facts about the house finch nest, eggs, range, habitat...

Meet the 3 Types of Goldfinches in the United States

There are three types of goldfinches across the United States. Learn what these goldfinch species look like and where to...

How to Identify a Varied Bunting

Look for varied buntings along the southwest border in Texas and Arizona, or in Mexico. See photos of the males...