Attracting Birds

Learn how to attract birds to your backyard with these expert tips on plants and trees that attract birds, bird nesting and feeding birds.

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How to Attract Bluebirds: Tips and FAQs

Bluebirds are beautiful—it's easy to see why people are interested in attracting them. We’ve got easy tips and answers on how to attract bluebirds.

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What to Do If You Find a Bird Nest With Eggs or a Baby Bird

If you find a bird nest near your door, an abandoned bird nest with eggs, or if you see a...

Bird Feeder Placement: Where and How to Hang a Bird Feeder

While the type of feeder you select is important, learning how to hang your bird feeder is also part of...

How to Clean a Birdbath the Right Way

Offer clean water for your birds. Experts explain the best ways how to clean a birdbath and how to keep...

Do Birds Reuse Nests or Live in Nests Year-Round?

Find out if birds like hummingbirds and robins reuse nests year after year and for multiple broods. Learn about the...

House Hunters: Cavity Nesting Birds

Cavity nesting birds move into a nest box or chisel a home in a tree to raise a family. Discover...

Attract More Backyard Birds by Growing Sunflowers

Save money feeding songbirds by growing sunflowers. After the sunny flower petals fade, sunflower seeds feed hungry birds.

What Foods Can You Feed to Ducks?

Although many people feed bread to ducks, it's better to consider more nutritious foods. Learn if ducks can eat corn...

What Do Robins Eat? How to Attract Robins

Find out what robins eat in all seasons. Attract robins with their favorite foods and learn if you can bring...

Be a Good Bird Landlord With a Purple Martin House

Purple-hued swallows arrive just in time to select a home for spring nesting season. Use a purple martin house to...

Bird Landscaping: Grow Plants to Help Backyard Birds

Grow bird-friendly plants for food and shelter. For bird landscaping, include berry bushes, evergreens, flowering trees and native plants.

Grow Your Own Birdseed Plants

Plant sunflowers and other native birdseed plants to feed backyard birds. Native plants also host caterpillars and butterflies.

How to Make a DIY Bluebird House

Want to attract bluebirds to nest in your yard? Make a bluebird box! These DIY bluebird house plans meet the...

Meet the Varied Thrush: Voice of the Northwest

Learn everything you need to know about the colorful varied thrush, a bird known for its dramatic beauty and haunting...

What Foods Do Northern Mockingbirds Eat?

Do northern mockingbirds visit bird feeders? Find out what foods mockingbirds eat and how to attract them to your backyard.

You Won’t Believe How Fast Mourning Doves Build Nests

You'll be amazed at how fast a pair of mourning doves builds a nest! Learn when (and where) you might spot...

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The Only Homemade Hummingbird Nectar Recipe You Need

Wondering how to make hummingbird nectar to fill your feeders? Get the simple DIY recipe for homemade hummingbird nectar.

12 Top Winter Bird Feeding Tips

Birds change their eating habits as colder weather rolls in. But you can help your feathered friends by following these...

Ask the Experts: Hummingbird Behavior Explained

Birding experts answer some of the most commonly asked questions about fascinating hummingbird behavior that you might see in your...

7 Biggest Bird Feeding Myths You Should Stop Believing

It's time to bust these common backyard bird feeding misconceptions. Don't fall for these false bird feeding myths.

What Foods Do Blue Jays Eat?

If you want to feed these bold birds in your backyard, you need to know what blue jays eat. Experts...

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Top 13 Trees and Shrubs With Berries for Birds

Tasty fruits dangling from open branches entice birds, like cedar waxwings and American robins. Check out the best bird berries...

6 Homemade Bird Suet Recipes for Your Feathered Friends

Readers share their best suet recipes to make bird suet. Keep birds fueled and happy by following these tips for...

Grow a Dogwood Tree for Beauty and the Birds

Dogwoods trees have good looks, and they also attract wildlife. Add a dogwood tree to your yard for colorful flowers,...

How You Can Help Birds in Cold Winter Weather

Don't worry about your backyard birds during frigid winter weather. Learn how to help them by providing food, water and...

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Steller’s Jays: Clever Black and Blue Birds

Discover what makes the Steller's jay so special, including its social nature, clever tricks, and striking black and blue feathers.

Is Hot Pepper Bird Seed Safe for Birds?

Should you use hot sauce, chili powder or cayenne pepper to keep squirrels off your feeders? Learn if adding hot...

All About Woodpecker Nests and Eggs

Wondering if you've found a woodpecker nest? Learn where they build nests and how many eggs they lay. Plus find...

Peanuts in the Shell vs. Shelled Peanuts for Birds

One commonly asked bird feeding question is what types of backyard birds can eat peanuts in the shell and shelled...

Offer Nyjer Seed to Attract More Finches

Learn where nyjer seed comes from and what types of birds eat it. Plus, find out what's the difference between...

What Does a Baby Woodpecker Look Like?

That unusual bird might be a juvenile or baby woodpecker! Learn what baby woodpeckers eat, how long they stay in...