Recycled Garden Ideas

Repurpose items from your home with these recycled garden ideas and projects that will beautify your backyard.

10 Creative Ideas to Recycle Your Old Christmas Tree

Don't haul off your old Christmas tree to the curb. Give your tree a second life by trying these Christmas tree recycling ideas instead!

Got Large Pots? Use Plastic Containers to Fill Extra Space

Do you like to grow ornamental plants in large pots?  I do.  Especially brightly-colored pots that add color to the

DIY Plant Watering Bottles

Are you ever faced with going away for a few days only to return to dried out, thirsty plants?  Or

An Old, Rusty Watering Can Finds New Purpose

I like old things.  So, when I spotted an old, galvanized watering can at an antique shop – I knew

DIY Drip-Water Plants Using Milk Jugs

Many areas of the United States are suffering from extreme drought and your garden may also be showing signs of

Recycled Backyard: Tire Gardens

Got some old tires on hand? Building a tire garden is easy!

Transform a Fountain Into a Garden Planter

Do you have fountain or other water feature that you no longer use? Transform it into a planter, filled with...