Bible History Daily

Bible History Daily

Synogogue Zodiacs

Jul 4

Jewish Worship, Pagan Symbols

By: Walter Zanger

What are zodiac mosaics doing in ancient synagogues in Israel?

Siloam Pool

Jul 4

The Siloam Pool: Where Jesus Healed the Blind Man

By: Biblical Archaeology Society Staff

The Siloam Pool has long been considered a sacred Christian site, even if the correct identification of the site itself was uncertain. According to the Gospel of John, it was at the Siloam Pool where Jesus healed the blind man (John 9:1–11).

The region of Ghor al-Safi in Jordan, with the Museum at the Lowest Place on Earth in the foreground and the southern portion of the Dead Sea in the distance. Photo by Glenn J. Corbett

Jul 3

The Land of Lot

By: Konstantinos Politis

Most travelers to Jordan have visited the famous Nabatean city of Petra or the dune-swept, otherworldly landscape of Wadi Rum, both UNESCO World Heritage sites. […]

The Great Isaiah Scroll. Photo: John C. Trevor, PhD. Digital Image: James E. Trevor

Jul 2

The “Original” Bible and the Dead Sea Scrolls

By: Noah Wiener

More than 200 Biblical texts written in Hebrew were discovered among the Dead Sea Scrolls. How do these ancient Biblical texts compare with the Masoretic Text and the Greek Septuagint in scholars’ search for the most authoritative text of the Hebrew Bible?

Sixth-century Christian amulet from the Robert C. Horn Papyri Collection. Photo: Courtesy of Special Collections and Archives, Trexler Library, Muhlenberg College

Jul 2

Early Christian Amulets: Between Faith and Magic

By: Marek Dospěl

Just like their pagan neighbors, Jesus’s followers of the first Christian centuries would commonly resort to protection amulets to guard themselves from illness and any kind of harm.

Stacked bowls inside of the remains of a Cypriot pithos at Tel Burna. Courtesy Susnow et al

Jul 1

Tel Burna’s Cypriot Pithoi

By: Nathan Steinmeyer

While Cypriot pithoi were commonly used in maritime shipping during the Late Bronze Age (c. 1550–1200 BCE), few have ever been found in the southern […]


Jun 30

Deciphered Dead Sea Scroll Reveals 364-Day Calendar

By: Robin Ngo

Researchers recently deciphered one of the last two remaining Dead Sea Scrolls. Written in code, the scroll describes a 364-day calendar used by the Qumran community that lived in the Judean Desert.

Rembrandt's Paul

Jun 29

Galatians 3:28—Neither Jew nor Greek, Slave nor Free, Male and Female

By: Karin Neutel

In her Biblical Views column in BAR, Biblical scholar Karin Neutel examines Paul’s vision for how we would live together in an ideal society.

Roman coins. Courtesy Dafna Gazit, IAA

Jun 28

Roman Coins and the Last Great Jewish Revolt

By: Nathan Steinmeyer

Excavations in the central Israeli city of Lod offer a glimpse of the third-century CE Gallus Revolt, the last great Jewish revolt against the Romans. […]

Magi illustration

Jun 27

Why Did the Magi Bring Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh?

By: Biblical Archaeology Society Staff

Were the gifts of the magi meant to save Jesus from the pain of arthritis? It’s possible, according to researchers at Cardiff University in Wales who have been studying the medical uses of frankincense.