How to Store Cherries So They Stay Fresh as Long as Possible

Plump, juicy cherries are superstars of summer fruit. Here are our Test Kitchen's best tips for storing cherries so they last.

bowl of tart cherries

BHG / Andrea Araiza

Plump, juicy cherries are one of the highlights of summer. We love adding them to cocktails, tossing them in homemade cherry pie, and blending them into smoothies. Cherries have a fleeting shelf life so benefit from close attention when choosing and storing them. Once you've bought your fresh cherries home, here's everything you need to know about how to store cherries so they stay fresh.

When Is Cherry Season?

You know the farmers market is in full swing when growers exhibit cherries like art framed in green fruit baskets. For most, you'll start seeing fresh cherries at the grocery store in late May through mid-August. The best time to buy fresh cherries is throughout the month of July.

How to Buy Cherries

Inspect cherries to avoid bruised or blemished fruit and look at the stems. "Select cherries that are firm and brightly colored. Avoid cherries with dried and shriveled stems," says Lynn Blanchard, test kitchen director, Better Homes & Gardens. Light green, firm stems indicate the fruit is fresh. Here's a quick look at the most popular cherry varieties in the grocery store and how we like to use them.

  • Sweet: Choose sweet varieties like the plentiful Bing or the much-anticipated, blush-tinged yellow Rainier for eating out of hand, muddling into cocktails, and flavoring savory dishes and salads.
  • Tart: Elusive tart varieties, such as Montmorency, make a brief appearance mid-July through early August to star in pies, jams, sorbets, and sauces.

How to Store Fresh Cherries

Before you even think about storing your cherries, it's important to remove any bruised, damaged, or moldy cherries from the bunch. Go through your bag and remove any busted cherries. "Sort out any cherries that are softer or have spots. You can eat those right away," says Blanchard.

A bowl of cherries brightens a countertop, but they will mold quickly at room temperature. "You can keep them on the counter, if you plan to eat them within a day, but chilling will extend their shelf life," says Blanchard.

Unwashed cherries will last up to five days if you refrigerate them layered between paper towels to keep them dry. "For the best flavor, plan to use within 5 days," says Blanchard. Wash your cherries just before you plan to use them, as the moisture can help speed up spoilage.

Wash and remove stems and pits right before using the cherries to prolong their life.

How to Freeze Fresh Cherries

The real win is buying fresh cherries in bulk and freezing for when they’re scarce. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper and spread washed and pitted cherries in a single layer. (This makes measuring easier once frozen.) Transfer to a freezer container that's labeled with the date and freeze for up to 6 months.

Fresh Cherry Recipes

Make the most of your farmer's market haul with some of our best cherry recipes. If you've got a sweet tooth, try making our homemade Cherry Berry Pie, or Cherry Crumble Pie Bars. Fresh cherries are also versatile in savory dishes, like Grilled Chicken and Cherry Salad. When it gets hot, trying sipping a fresh Cherry and Ginger Cooler.

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