Using a Triple Monitor Laptop Setup for Podcasting

Using a Triple Monitor Laptop Setup for #Podcasting #business #beverlyhills #laptop
Using a Triple Monitor Laptop Setup for #Podcasting #business #beverlyhills #laptop

Thinking about starting a podcast? It can be a very lucrative decision. While podcasting has been around for years, it’s finally coming into its own. However, you’ll need the right angle for your podcast, as well as the right hardware, including screen real estate. A laptop screen extender can give you the triple monitor setup that you need to produce your podcast professionally.

Podcasting Stats to Know

  • Over 90 million Americans listen to at least one podcast every week.
  • The most popular age group for podcast consumption is consumers between 35 and 54 years of age.
  • Spotify is the most popular podcast platform, followed by Apple Podcasts.

Why Choose a Laptop Screen Extender?

Podcasters and other audio production professionals must be able to manipulate their audio data. Podcasting requires so much more than just recording people talking. The recording must be edited, formatted, cut, and polished. Intros and outros must be added, sponsors included, and so much more. The Mobile Pixels Trio laptop screen extender ensures that you have maximum screen real estate without the bulk and weight of separate monitors.

But how does a laptop screen extender help you do more in your podcast production efforts? Let’s take a closer look.

All the Screen You Need

The single most important reason to invest in a laptop extender is that it gives you more screen space. Even producing a basic podcast will require that you run several apps at the same time. With a standard laptop screen, that might mean shrinking those down to near illegibility or even minimizing them entirely. To produce your podcast, you’ll need to switch back and forth between windows, wasting your valuable time and increasing the chance of errors in your work.

Using a Triple Monitor Laptop Setup for #Podcasting #business #beverlyhills #laptop

Produce Your Podcast Anywhere

If you were to use a desktop for your podcast or other audio production needs, you’d be tied to a single location. It’s not all that easy to carry a desktop and separate monitor with you. That means conducting interviews with guests or just recording you and your cohost(s) can be incredibly problematic. You either need to invest in building a dedicated podcast studio or deal with audio recorded remotely and then sent in so you can stitch it into your podcast. With a laptop, you have all the mobility you need, ensuring that you can produce your podcast anywhere, at any time.

Seamlessly Blend Audio and/or Video Streams

Using a laptop screen extender gives you a dedicated screen for different purposes. That makes it easier than ever to blend audio and/or video streams (depending on your podcast’s nature). You can set up a stream on each screen and still have room left over for your audio/video mastering software without minimizing the interface. That ensures you can adjust levels on the fly, increasing the quality of your production while simultaneously saving time and effort. It’s never been easier to produce high-quality podcasts!

Get the Right Hardware

While a screen extender can help you do more with your equipment and provides a lot of flexibility, make sure to choose the right hardware. Look for an extender that:

  • Is lightweight but durable
  • Offers high-resolution imagery
  • Connects easily to your laptop via an external port
  • Doesn’t cost a fortune

With the right extender, you’ll have plenty of flexibility and no need for complicated connection technologies. Just plug the extender into your laptop and you’ll immediately be able to start recording and editing your podcast.

Plan Your Show

In addition to the right hardware, you’ll also need to choose the right angle for your show. Will you offer behind-the-scenes information about an industry or topic? Will comedy play a role? Will you primarily interview thought leaders? Know what your audience wants and then deliver it to them episode after episode.

Here’s to Your Success

Podcasts have never been more popular. Whether you’re looking to promote your business or start building your own brand, now’s the time to get started. Give yourself the best chance of success and purchase the right equipment.

You’ll find that with a screen extender and a decent laptop, your hardware needs are minimized, allowing you to spend more on high-quality microphones so that you and your guests come through loud and clear for listeners. Then, all you need to do is produce your podcast and find the right platforms for distribution.

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