Tips To Create the Most Effective Chatbot Welcome Messages

Tips To Create the Most Effective Chatbot Welcome Messages #beverlyhills #beverlyhillsmagazine #bevhillsmag #chatbot #chatbotwelcomemessage #welcomemessage #bot

Marketing is all about creating impressions on customers. When we talk about social media marketing, the first impression is made by the welcome chatbot sending greeting messages also called the welcome message to the customers. These welcome messages are so important because they tend to engage customers and offer them a great user experience.

Welcome messages are the Chatbot’s responses to the customers who send a message on a website page or a business page through a Messenger, e.g. Facebook has a built-in welcome bot in its Messenger.

The objective of a welcome message is to send greeting messages to the customers to make them feel welcomed and valued. The chatbot welcome messages also provide basic orientation of the brand and the promotion codes to the users, they indulge the users in a friendly proactive conversation.

You need to make sure that welcome messages should be brief, and must contain the following elements to be more effective for the users:

A personalized greeting

The difference between the content on a homepage of any website and the content of a welcome message lies in the element of personalization. When you create an automated chatbot, it can collect all the available profile information of the users from Facebook. So, when a user engages with a welcome bot, it can call the user by its name. For example, the chatbot can say, “Hi, Richard!”

An introduction

The chatbots must be named so that the users might not have any confusion who they are chatting with. The welcome message is the place where a bot can introduce itself briefly in one sentence. For example, “I am Swelly, your shopping bot for the ABC store.”

An overview of the services

After the chatbot introduces itself, give the customers an idea about why the bot is engaging him in the conversation. The bot has to tell them right from the beginning what is in there for the users. The conversation should be kept simple but promising. Offer great incentives to capture the user’s interest.

For example, The bot here can say, “I am here to assist you find the best dress, “or can offer an incentive saying, “ Answer this question and I will give you a $15 discount on your purchase from the store.”

An engaging question

A good conversation for your chatbot must be designed, a crucial element of engaging the user for a bit longer on the site. The conversation should be made easy for the customers to continue and respond. The best way is to ask questions at a time and when they answer encourage them.

The smart way to make them reply is to offer some clickable options, where they can reply by clicking on the options of their interest.

Use emojis

Using emojis in a welcome message have a friendly impact and a welcoming tone that can help the bot to break ice with the users, especially if the visitor is new to the page or on the site. Emojis provide visual cues in between the block of text, as the text can get boring for some users to read.

Martin Maina is a professional writer and blogger who uses his expertise, skills, and personal experience in digital marketing to craft content that resonates with audiences. Deep down, he believes that if you cannot do great things, then you can do small things in a great way. To learn more, you can connect with him online.
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