Featured Model: Victoria DeHart Vesce

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Victoria DeHart Vesce is a model, a lawyer and a former NHL cheerleader for the Carolina Hurricanes. There is definitely more to Victoria than her stunning looks and amazing body. She also attained her Juris Doctorate from Charleston School of Law. Furthermore, at NC State University, she was a member of the National Society of Leadership and Success, and the National Honor Society. She has also been a member of the Equestrian Club. What more can this woman do?

Life and Accomplishments:

Victoria Hart Vesce 2 #model #VictoriaVesce #lawyer #NHLcheerleader #sportsillustratedmodel #swimsuitmodel #celebrity #beverlyhills #bevhillsmag #beverlyhillsmagazine

Victoria currently works with Berman Law Group in South Florida. Moreover, she continues to model and grow her social media platform. She is signed model with JL Model Managment and Marilyn’s Agency. Featured in the 2022 Sports Illustrated Swim Magazine, we know she also keeps fit and takes good care of her figure. As a dancer, Victoria was part of the Charlotte Hornets NBA dance team, and The Honey Bees. She completed three years with the team. Furthermore, she has had the opportunity to dance at NBA Global Games in China, as well as, performed at the 2016 Olympics in Rio De Janeiro. Heavily involved in sports, Victoria also extended her talents to writing for the NCSU student newspaper “The Technician” and was a sportswriter for Baseball Life.

Also faced with a personal difficulty in life, she battled multiple Paraganglioma, a brain-skull tumor and a carotid body tumor in 2017. She volunteered in a study for Duke University Hospital during her time that has helped more patients over the years to overcome rare tumors and undergo a rare kind of radiation like she did. On top of that, her mother died in 2021. Now she uses her website as a platform to not just inspire others but to be open about discussions on mental health.

Interview with Victoria Vesce:

Victoria Hart Vesce 3 #model #VictoriaVesce #lawyer #NHLcheerleader #sportsillustratedmodel #swimsuitmodel #celebrity #beverlyhills #bevhillsmag #beverlyhillsmagazine

Beverly Hills Magazine: Give us a little background about yourself…Where did you grow up, education, training, etc.?

Victoria Vesce: I grew up in a small town in North Carolina on a Buffalo farm. I went to NC State University where I studied Journalism. During my time at NC State University, I became an NBA Dancer for the Charlotte Hornets. I was an NBA dancer from 2014-2017. My last year dancing after I had been to Shanghai Global Games and the 2016 Olympics with the NBA, I was diagnosed with a rare brain and neck tumor during my third year with the NBA while trying to apply to law school. I had surgery and 31 rounds of radiation having to retire from dancing. I still decided to start law school and go part time in South Carolina! During my healing time, I went through adjusting to being partially deaf, as well as, during my last year in law school I dealt with the passing of my best friend, my mom. Through my grief and isolation, I found my purpose and passion for life which landed me in SI Swim and pursuing all my dreams.

Beverly Hills Magazine: How did you discover modeling?

Victoria Vesce: I did my first pageant when I was 18 years old. I was a farm girl and never had worn makeup, so it was a whole new experience for me. At the pageant, I was discovered and my passion for modeling and the glamorous life began!

Beverly Hills Magazine: How do you prepare for a photoshoot?

Victoria Vesce: I also make sure my nails are groomed, my hair is clean, and that I feel good. I make sure to get adequate rest and gua sha everyday.

Beverly Hills Magazine: Who or what have been your inspirations?

Victoria Vesce: My mom has always been my inspiration. She is my purpose and drive to keep going in life. She was my number 1 supporter and always helped me achieve my dreams. If I could be half the woman she was, I’d be making it in life.

Beverly Hills Magazine: What projects are you currently working on or have worked on in the past?

Victoria Vesce: Working on growing more of my social media platforms and growing my YouTube and podcast, finishing writing a book, and some other secrets up my sleeve.

Beverly Hills Magazine: What are your Dream Campaigns you would love to pose for?

Victoria Vesce: Guess has always been a top brand of mine!

Beverly Hills Magazine: Do you have a Life Motto, Quote, Bible Scripture that you live by?

Victoria Vesce: My motto right now is one of Turning Your Pain into Power.

Beverly Hills Magazine: What do you think of “Modeling Industry?”

Victoria Vesce: I think it’s still askew. There’s a lot of nepotism still in the industry, and if someone has a lot of social media presence they’ll get seen over people who have worked hard to where they’ve gotten in the industry. I think a lot of themes of body positivity and change in the industry is still stagnant and just a marketing tactic, but still there’s more change needed.

Beverly Hills Magazine: You were diagnosed with multiple Paraganglioma, a brain-skull tumor and a carotid body tumor, how did you find peace in the midst of your health struggles?

Victoria Vesce: Faith and Family. Luckily all my family was still alive while undergoing my sickness and I was blessed to have such a supportive family to help me through such a dark time. Faith helped me through a lot. Really honing into God and putting my trust in Him in that situation was honestly what truly kept me going.

Beverly Hills Magazine: How do you take care of your Spiritual Self?

Victoria Vesce: I meditate and take time daily to rejuvenate my mind, body, and spirit. Working out also helps my spiritual self.

Beverly Hills Magazine: How has God let you know that He is with you on your journey of life?

Victoria Vesce: There’s been times where I’ve been like “only God could’ve done that” because there’s no way I did it alone.

Beverly Hills Magazine: If you could have one prayer answered right now, what would it be?

Victoria Vesce: Bringing my mom back is one I wish could happen, but bringing my mom’s spirit into mine is one I pray everyday to not only keep her alive but to keep me going.

Beverly Hills Magazine: If you could have one Super Power what would it be?

Victoria Vesce: Omnipresent. I wish I could be in multiple places at once. I’m always overbooked and there’s so many things I wish I could be doing!

Beverly Hills Magazine: Where do you hope to be in your career in 5 years?

Victoria Vesce: I hope to solely be working for myself and creating a company that helps not only with mental health but growing your own brand. Also, in 5 years I want to start creating a family of my own.

Beverly Hills Magazine: What advice would you give to other aspiring models out there?

Victoria Vesce: Just be yourself. This industry in the beginning kept telling me you have to look a certain way, talk a certain way, do certain things…and in all honesty I followed that path at first and I was not happy. I’ve gotten more just being true to who I am and doing what’s best for me.

Beverly Hills Magazine: Where can readers go to keep up with you? (Social media, website, etc)

Victoria Vesce: All my socials are @VictoriaVesce! Check out my podcast @validatedbyvictoria and on YouTube @VictoriaVesceVlogs

You may also visit Victoria’s website and portfolio here.

Carla Ezequiel is a Philosophy honor graduate with a penchant for editing, proofreading, copywriting and composing articles. She is a passionate person, especially when it comes to the Arts.
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