Major events
in Bayeux



Bayeux, a lively city all year round

Life in the ancient medieval city of Bayeux is marked by several major annual events which are not to be missed during your stay in Normandy!

For more than 35 years now, Bayeux has been alive with a famous medieval festival every first weekend in July, attracting some 50,000 people to the town. The summer continues with a monumental projection show on the south façade of the Cathedral, a time to breathe, an ode to nature and the 4 seasons in colour and music (Free in July-August). In October, the Bayeux Calvados Normandie War Correspondents’ Prize celebrates the freedom of the press for over 30 years. In December, the interior of Bayeux Cathedral is transformed into a fairytale setting, with an entirely coloured nave decorated with monumental projections… ” The Cathedral of William, the Mysterious Traveller“, an immersive show for all the family!


DDAY festival Normandy

Around 6 June, the mood is set for DDay Festival Normandy!

The D-Day Festival Normandy takes place along the entire D-Day and Battle of Normandy coastline, from Pegasus Bridge to Sainte-Mère-Eglise, including the five emblematic areas of Utah Beach, Omaha Beach, Gold Beach, Juno Beach and Sword Beach. Parachuting, parades, concerts, historical re-enactments, fireworks displays, exhibitions, screenings, etc. – almost 100 popular, cultural and festive events.