Terms of Use

Absolutely no rights of distribution by sale or other transfer of ownership or by rental, lease or lending, preparation of derivative works, or reproduction, in whole or in part, is granted.

No text, graphics or photos may be downloaded and used on another Internet site, without express permission of BCI. For information on obtaining photo usage and rights, please see our contact page. BCI reserves the rights to actively protect against infringement.

Privacy Policy

Bat Conservation International is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization [referred to herein as BCI]. BCI is committed to conserving bats and their habitats worldwide. What follows is BCI’s online privacy policy, which governs personal information gathered on our Internet sites.

We will not sell, share or trade our donors’ names or personal information with any other entity, nor send mailings to our donors on behalf of other organizations.

This policy applies to all information received by Bat Conservation International, both online and offline, on any platform (“platform” includes the BCI website and mobile applications), as well as any electronic, written, or oral communications.

To the extent any donations are processed through a third-party service provider, our donors’ information will only be used for purposes necessary to process the donation.

BCI may also release personal information where release is required by law (for example, a subpoena) or regulation or is requested by a government agency.

BCI’s Commitment to Online Security

Physical, electronic and managerial procedures have been employed to safeguard the security and integrity of personal information. BCI encrypts billing information wherever BCI requests it. All BCI agents and contractors with access to personal information obtained on the BCI websites are also bound to adhere to this policy as part of their contract with BCI.

Personal Information that BCI May Collect Online and Offline

BCI collects personal information, including names, postal and email addresses, phone and facsimile numbers, and billing information. This information is solely for internal use.

How BCI Uses Personal Information Collected Online and Offline

We will use your personal information only for the purpose for which it is submitted, such as to reply to your emails, handle inquiries, and process billing and business requests related to shopping cart purchases, donations and membership contributions. We will use such information to provide operational notices, in program record-keeping and to conduct research on industry marketplace practices. Our research may lead to the internal publication of aggregate demographical data but will not result in the reporting or publication of any personal information provided to us. At certain points where personal information is collected on our site, there may be a box where you may indicate you would like to be on a mailing list to receive information about other BCI programs and services and about ways to support BCI. This election box only appears in places where the department collecting personal information maintains such lists. At any time you can add or remove your name from a BCI list by contacting us at policy@batcon.org, or choosing the opt-out option within BCI emails and newsletters.

Help Us Keep Your Personal Information Accurate

If your personal information changes or you would like to review the personal information we may have on file, please email us with the new information or your review request at policy@batcon.org. Let us also know what led to your submission of personal information so we may efficiently locate your information.

Computer Tracking and Cookies

Our websites are not set up to track, collect or distribute personal information not entered by visitors. Our site logs do generate certain kinds of non-identifying site-usage data, such as the number of hits and visits to our sites. This information is used for internal purposes by technical support staff to provide better services to the public and may also be provided to others, but the statistics contain no personal information and cannot be used to gather such information. A cookie is a small amount of data that is sent to your browser from a Web server and stored on your computer’s hard drive. BCI uses non-identifying cookies to provide easier site navigation and access to forms. Our cookies do not generate personal data, do not read personal data from your machine and are never tied to anything that could be used to identify you.

Residents of the European Union

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

In addition to our aformentioned policy, EU users are also covered by the GDPR:

Data that we Collect
Email address, names, IP address, address, phone number, newsletter: opens, clicks, opt-ins, logs of mailings sent.

Consent to Collect
We collect data from users that have registered for email communications, such as newsletters, and giving related transactions, such as donations. We either ask for consent during form submission processes via an opt-in checkbox, or a link to this page is provided.

Your Data, Your Rights

  • You can request a copy of your data which we will provide within 30 days.
  • You can request your data to be anonymized which we will do within 30 days.
  • While we do everything we can to keep our systems secure, in the event of a data breach or misuse, we will inform you should your data be related to an event, within 72 hours.

Third Party Entities Where BCI Stores Data

BCI relies upon certain third party services in order to maintain its own services. BCI never shares or resells any of its data:

  • Site Ground Hosting Services
  • PayPal
  • Blackbaud, and Blackbaud Merchant Services
  • Authorize.net
  • Google Analytics

Length of Data Collection
BCI will keep identifiable data for an undetermined amount of time or until the user asks us to anonymize and / or delete their data.

Questions or Requests regarding these Privacy Policies

If you have a question or request regarding these policies, please contact us at policy@batcon.org.