Experience Bats

Experience the Amazing World of Bats

Bats are unique and fascinating — the only mammals capable of true flight — and with more than 1,400 distinctly different bat species, they’re also marvels of evolution.

Find out where you can experience bats near you. Tune in to Bat Conservation International’s Bat Channel for LIVE cameras in bat caves and compelling videos. Listen closely to bat calls you would never hear without the necessary technology that translates bats’ high-frequency calls. And get involved!

We Belong Together

Bats and agaves rely on each other for survival. Protecting and restoring agave habitat is critical, not just for bats, but for the ecosystems and communities that rely on them. Discover our stories, photos, and videos to learn more.

Join the cause

When you stand with us, you are joining a global movement committed to fighting bat extinction. Together, we can protect bats, protect their habitats, fund research and more.