Michael Durham/Minden Pictures

Our mission is to conserve the world’s bats and their ecosystems to ensure a healthy planet.

Rachel Harper

Our Values

To accomplish lasting conservation victories, we dedicate ourselves to the highest standards. We are:

Dedicated to end extinctions.

We have a moral duty to prevent the extinction of the world’s most vulnerable wildlife, and focus on the rarest and most vulnerable bats and their habitats. 


Effective conservation requires science at every stage: establishing criteria for prioritizing targets, selecting conservation strategies, executing field work, interpreting results, and assessing impact.


We prioritize work where it will have the most meaningful impact for bats and their habitats, delivering tangible, measurable, and biological conservation outcomes.


We bring passion and dedication to our mission, and inspire people to take action to protect bats around the world.


Our team uses cutting-edge tools, technology, and training to redefine what is possible in global conservation. We lead with action, experimenting with innovative conservation strategies to prove their effectiveness, and deploy them at scale.


We believe collaboration is fundamental to effective conservation. We work side by side with our partners to ensure lasting conservation successes.


We seek to include people of all backgrounds in bat conservation. We are respectful visitors to the countries where we work — seeking to learn, understand, and honor the historical, cultural, political, and economic context of our projects.


We strive for operational efficiency and manage our budgets with verifiable financial strength. Our diverse income streams — gifts, memberships, grants, and contracts — ensure we are positioned to accomplish our mission over time. 


We aim to provide a return to our donors on their investment in the form of world-class, effective conservation, and we keep them informed on how their investments help us accomplish meaningful results for bats and their habitats.

Bats lead us to the best opportunities to protect nature anywhere in the world.

Mike Daulton Executive Director
Josh Hydeman